Category Archives: Works

Work Clothing Color Your Career Success Determinants

In the world of work, know not you think agan2 kalaul selection of work clothing that’s one aspect that supports career success? When attending an interview a prospective employee will be dressed seprofessional possible to give a good first impression of the interviewer. Agan mode of dress, and what life agan conscious or not, reflect the personality, goals and objectives agan. so do not blame the company kl agan keterima not work in their place cos agan pake jeans during an interview, or wearing a suit jacket / blazer with a combination of color ‘hit-and-run’ or a motif that is too ‘out’.

A good self-image is also in the selection of clothing colors loh … Psychological harm, the color was believed to have special powers which can affect mood, emotion, until good health for the wearer and the people in the surrounding environment. In the selection of work clothing, color psychology can be using that as a reference because agan choose any color will convey a strong impression about the personality or image agan.

The following is a description of the meaning behind the colors of clothing that agan choose to wear:

1.Hitam and Gray = Serious Conservatives Many believe that the basic color of black clothing with an impressive seriousness and formality. Maybe that’s why most of the coat or blazer is available in black. The black color indicates presence of power (power), the darker the color, the more powerful it seems. While the gray almost certainly be worn by anyone aja cos have many gradations of color as an option that gives the impression of sophisticated. Gray also implies that the wearer of a conservative, smart, reliable, and stable. Use this color to convey the impression of the person responsible agan. Combine elements of gray in appearance agan like blouses, ties, bags, shoes, but avoid wear from top to bottom because agan be regarded as a boring person …. Widih … sadistic euy …

2.Merah = Attract Attention The red color is very attractive and makes the wearer stand out. At a presentation or speech, wear shades of red as this color will attract attention. Red is also synonymous with passion, using these colors can give the impression that the spirit agan, determined, and courageous. If agan a team player, do not be too often or more use this color in the overall appearance agan agan because it will look more prominent than his fellow agan another.

3. Yellow and Orange = Bearer Fun If agan not excited anymore, try deh pake yellow or orange clothing. These bright colors bring joy effect on the wearer. The color yellow in particular can cause a feeling optimistic and hopeful. Yellow also helps stimulate the mind to think clearly and produce more brilliant ideas. While orange is a good spirit builder and is a powerful anti-depressant. If agan want to try to combine these colors in work clothes, try to forge match these colors with other colors more soft or basic colors that can reduce ‘keceriaan’ him.

4. Blue = Full of Confidence This color is most popularly used by employees for formal impression, but not too serious. Make sure agan have one set of suits, blazers, or top of this color because it is very flexible. If k Lagan want a little classical style, use a dark blue / black. The lighter blue like navy blue and sky blue depict the confidence high. In fact, a study says that navy blue is the best color to wear at job interviews.

5. Other Colors Pink impressed soft, warm and feminine while the purple gives a positive aura. But pink is also giving the impression of less-aggressive and less vibrant. Chocolate is synonymous with the color of the earth to give effect to the wearer’s maturity. Green gave the impression of relaxation and calm. While the impressive white innocence, purity, and bring a sense of peace.

Then agan is a business or working in the business sector, the color must be menghiasai agan wardrobe is navy blue, gray and black. Agan accent color can add another, more cheerful if you do not want to seem boring. To remember is to choose the color of clothing appropriate to the situation, condition, location and interests. Do not let the meeting agan with the client so it is less convenient because it agan only one chose the wrong outfit or costume. Choose clothing wisely agan, in accordance with the circumstances and the message you want agan show, because it looks agan agan itself that determines success.
