Category Archives: Sex

Make It Easy Erection Nuts .. let’s eat gan .. hahaha

Nuts Pistachios – Are you a fan of pistachio nuts? Fortunately if you are a man who regularly eat snacks quite expensive import this valuable.
According to one study, it turns nut snacking habits have a positive effect for the Adam in maintaining virility.
As published in the latest edition of the International Journal of impotence Research: The Journal of Sexual Medicine, the habit of eating pistachios may improve sexual function in men who have symptoms of impotence or erectile dysfunction (ED).
Researchers in Turkey involve the volunteers who provided snacks pistachios 100 grams (about one cup) at lunchtime. Consumption be done every day for three weeks. At the end of the study found, 17 volunteers recorded a score of 50 percent better on the questionnaire about ED than their score before the consumption of peanuts.
The volunteers also showed improvements in erectile function, satisfaction during intercourse, orgasm function, and sexual arousal. In fact, blood flow to the penis also showed an increase of about 22 percent by ultrasound measurements.
“Pistachio nuts contain non-essential amino acid arginine which is relatively high, which seems to retain the flexibility of the arteries and increase blood flow and trigger nitric oxide, a substance that relaxes blood vessels,” said one researcher, Mustafa Aldemir, from Atatürk Teaching and Research Hospital in Turkey.
The young male volunteers were also reportedly involved in this study showed significant improvement of cholesterol levels. This is because pistachios are also rich in unsaturated fatty acids, fiber and plant sterols. Previous research also showed a relationship between levels of cholesterol and impotence or ED.
Although this finding may tempt you to immediately buy pistachios, the researchers assert that the results of this research is still in its early stages. So, if you really are experiencing problems with sexual function, consult with a physician is the wisest step than just snacked on peanut imports.


Sex tips for beginners

tips for beginner sexagan agan mission, ane just want to share this doang
Some of you may think sex is a natural ability that do not need to be studied. We are not not agree with these opinions, but for Woman, sex remains to be learned to achieve pleasure and to avoid ‘accidents’.
Especially you with the status of a beginner. Sex can be so horrible for beginners, especially women. Taste excited, scared sick, certainly never there. So what to do? Read these tips …
Slowly slowly-only
Yes, indeed no need to rush at the moment the first night. Plenty of time that you can not miss, especially the ring finger was curled in the second respectively. Just enjoy the first night with talk and see her smile. Starting with a discussion of sex is foreplay fun.
-Do not expect too much
Hey, do not imagine your game will be similar like in the movies is labeled blue. Everything in the film is through editing and a specific setting. So, no need to imagine something that extreme. Could be, the pain will start the first penetration. And this is mostly experienced by beginners on the first night. However, with sufficient lubrication, the first night game will be memorable for you both.
-Wear a sexy lingerie
Nothing to be ashamed and think this is taboo. Sexy lingerie on the first night is at once a surprise gift for your husband. Being a beginner does not mean unprofessional is not it?
Start with the sweet-
There must be immediately crawled into bed for hot action started early. You can start by drinking wine, dinner, or be spoiled on the couch. Foreplay is very important for beginners (and experts), because the lubrication process takes time for the pain and the pain can be minimized.
Read tips and articles-sex
Read tips and articles sex is not unlawful kok. You do have to know a few things before having sex. Like the time will run the machine, manual book should be studied first to avoid mistakes right? Sex tips and articles to increase your knowledge and help your partner enjoyable.
Are you ready ladies? Develop a smile and show your love, tonight.
do not forget it if yah not bad at
hopefully useful


13 Excess Milk Women

Choose a beautiful breasts and curvaceous is the dream and the dream for every woman, because to have a plump breast, the more a woman feel confident to perform in public but it comes with a complete outfit of course, rather than appear nude. Well, below are some advantages of the breast (milk) women:

    1. Without charging
    2. It’s never stale and will never stale
    3. Attractive packaging and elastic
    4. In knead not broken
    5. Not spill when opened, turned upside down is also not going to spill
    6. Without dye
    7. Direct any straws
    8. Za does not contain formaldehyde or other hazardous substances. Gan 100% natural!
    9. Easy to carry and practical
   10. Have a stock of reserves. If the left move to the right abis live. Hi hi hi
   11. Multi function alias can not just drink, in apain aja still tasty tetep
   12. Suitable for all ages. Of the infants until advanced age
   13. The quality of the recognized throughout the world (the original ASI GAN!)


Companies that Require Workers Without Clothing at work

A computer software company in Buckinghamshire, England, looking for employees for the position of webcoder who is ready to work without clothes. The company website is written, job applicants must be prepared to remove his clothes while he was in office areas.

Nude House, the name of the company. This is a company that sells software, which enables customers to provide the link link above the picture.
This will be a valuable experience for workers to express the nature of her body during work. The company will provide showers and other facilities to support this policy,“according to written on the company website.

Located in the town of Amersham, Buckinghamshire, the company wanted to campaigning for a natural-looking work environment or naturisme, also warm and personal. This policy also applies to employees in sales or webselling.

Naturisme not sexually oriented. His focus is on selling skills and technical ability, not sex workers.

Told The Register, a spokesman for Nude House, Chris Taylor, said the implementation of this controversial policy is not the first in the UK. A number of offices in the country also has hired an employee on the webcoding or web-selling naked.

So far, most companies that use employee without clothes that have a mission tempt customers to buy their product. Policies implemented as part of the promotion company.

 However, he ensures that his company will not take advantage of the policy was to increase business productivity. “Here there is no benefit to customers, because they will never know that the workers who serve them do not wear clothes, said Taylor.
