Category Archives: Self Development

Work Clothing Color Your Career Success Determinants

In the world of work, know not you think agan2 kalaul selection of work clothing that’s one aspect that supports career success? When attending an interview a prospective employee will be dressed seprofessional possible to give a good first impression of the interviewer. Agan mode of dress, and what life agan conscious or not, reflect the personality, goals and objectives agan. so do not blame the company kl agan keterima not work in their place cos agan pake jeans during an interview, or wearing a suit jacket / blazer with a combination of color ‘hit-and-run’ or a motif that is too ‘out’.

A good self-image is also in the selection of clothing colors loh … Psychological harm, the color was believed to have special powers which can affect mood, emotion, until good health for the wearer and the people in the surrounding environment. In the selection of work clothing, color psychology can be using that as a reference because agan choose any color will convey a strong impression about the personality or image agan.

The following is a description of the meaning behind the colors of clothing that agan choose to wear:

1.Hitam and Gray = Serious Conservatives Many believe that the basic color of black clothing with an impressive seriousness and formality. Maybe that’s why most of the coat or blazer is available in black. The black color indicates presence of power (power), the darker the color, the more powerful it seems. While the gray almost certainly be worn by anyone aja cos have many gradations of color as an option that gives the impression of sophisticated. Gray also implies that the wearer of a conservative, smart, reliable, and stable. Use this color to convey the impression of the person responsible agan. Combine elements of gray in appearance agan like blouses, ties, bags, shoes, but avoid wear from top to bottom because agan be regarded as a boring person …. Widih … sadistic euy …

2.Merah = Attract Attention The red color is very attractive and makes the wearer stand out. At a presentation or speech, wear shades of red as this color will attract attention. Red is also synonymous with passion, using these colors can give the impression that the spirit agan, determined, and courageous. If agan a team player, do not be too often or more use this color in the overall appearance agan agan because it will look more prominent than his fellow agan another.

3. Yellow and Orange = Bearer Fun If agan not excited anymore, try deh pake yellow or orange clothing. These bright colors bring joy effect on the wearer. The color yellow in particular can cause a feeling optimistic and hopeful. Yellow also helps stimulate the mind to think clearly and produce more brilliant ideas. While orange is a good spirit builder and is a powerful anti-depressant. If agan want to try to combine these colors in work clothes, try to forge match these colors with other colors more soft or basic colors that can reduce ‘keceriaan’ him.

4. Blue = Full of Confidence This color is most popularly used by employees for formal impression, but not too serious. Make sure agan have one set of suits, blazers, or top of this color because it is very flexible. If k Lagan want a little classical style, use a dark blue / black. The lighter blue like navy blue and sky blue depict the confidence high. In fact, a study says that navy blue is the best color to wear at job interviews.

5. Other Colors Pink impressed soft, warm and feminine while the purple gives a positive aura. But pink is also giving the impression of less-aggressive and less vibrant. Chocolate is synonymous with the color of the earth to give effect to the wearer’s maturity. Green gave the impression of relaxation and calm. While the impressive white innocence, purity, and bring a sense of peace.

Then agan is a business or working in the business sector, the color must be menghiasai agan wardrobe is navy blue, gray and black. Agan accent color can add another, more cheerful if you do not want to seem boring. To remember is to choose the color of clothing appropriate to the situation, condition, location and interests. Do not let the meeting agan with the client so it is less convenient because it agan only one chose the wrong outfit or costume. Choose clothing wisely agan, in accordance with the circumstances and the message you want agan show, because it looks agan agan itself that determines success.


16 Practical Ways To Develop Yourself

Many people who want to grow, but many of them are confused how your or where to start. Here are 16 practical ways to help you develop the ability themselves.
1. Read a book every day
There is no easier way of adding knowledge to develop themselves but read the book. Read a book each day will open your insight and knowledge about the sciences of self-development which is the current trend.
2. Learn a new language
How many languages ​​do you master today? three? four? or five languages? The more languages ​​you master, then the higher the value of your sales, and of course your brain will be more bermafaat.
3. Find a new hobby
Never underestimate the hobby, if you feel hobby is an activity a waste of time, then you should think again. In addition to relaxing which ultimately impact on the ‘freshness’ minds, a hobby can also generate profits, whether material or not.
Find a new hobby, if you like sports and futsal enthusiasts, the study also other sports like swimming for example.
4. Take courses
Following the course is another way to develop your skills.
5. Cipatakan room ‘creative’
The rooms are creative will stimulate our brains to create something creative as well. Make your work space ‘different’, not just a dull box of a room that seems to drive you to go home.
6. Improve your skills
To what extent your Public Speaking skills? or how many interview techniques that you mastered? Improve the skills you have until you find an expert in this capacity. Never stop to continue to develop your skills.
7. Wake up earlier
If you get up early, that means time to do productive things add too.
8. Have a regular time Sports
The ability of any well will not be maximized if the condition of your body is unhealthy. Make regular time to exercise, do not let your ability to shut disease that often went to your body.
9. Write
Writing is one activity that can hone your brain in full. Journals, books or blogs can be an alternative to start writing your first.
10. Exit routines
One of the things that make creativity jams are routine. Get out of your routine. A simple example, you try going to the office with a different route than usual.
11. Ask for feedback
Feedback or feedback is important to measure the extent to which results you can. Ask for feedback from colleagues or family and use it as reference to develop the skills yourself.
12. Learning from others
“Even a fool can be right-even”, thus roughly the right term to describe this point. Each person is unique and every person is a teacher for us. Do not feel that you feel smarter in every way, stay humble and willing to open yourself to others.
13. Get out of bad habits
Often late in the office? or often a promise? It is a few examples of bad habits. Immediately leave your bad habits. Bad habits can cause the slightest obstacle in developing your skills.
14. Start doing business
Doing business is a very challenging thing. Many experiences will you get from doing business. So do not hesitate, though small, learn to do business.
15. Determine the break
Humans have limits, even machines need a break-even. Manage your time off, and Stay on it.
16. Obey commitment
As good as any plan that you created, as well as any tools and facilities you have, without a commitment to the plan and your impossible dream to come true. Keep always committed and consistent in your dreams and goals.


6 styles of leadershipe

6 Leadership Styles
By: Kriswandaru ES, M. Psi, Psychologist
The problem of leadership (leadership) is a problem much discussed decades. There are some people who do have talent leadership, but there are some people who develop leadership skills he has. Leadership style adopted by the managers or leaders, often is a function or part of their own personality. Thus the leaders tend to have leadership styles that match their personalities. And often the style of leadership that used only one or a few only and used for all aspects of the problems faced. Some studies say that a successful leader or successful leaders who have high emotional intelligence includes receiving, assessing, managing and controlling emotions that exist in themselves and everyone around them. Also a good leader is a leader who not only wear one style of leadership alone, but uses several styles of leadership and have the flexibility to adapt to the case or situation.

Daniel Goleman, Richard Boyatzis and Annie McKnee in the book “Primal Leadership: Realizing the Power of Emotional Intelligence” describes the six leadership styles that affect the emotions of his followers. We know together that Daniel Goleman is an author who wrote a book about emotional intelligence (EQ). In the book Primal Leadership, leadership and emotional problems will be linked. Here will be discussed regarding the six leadership styles that are intended.

1. The visionary leader
Leaders with this style of moving by inviting others to achieve the vision, leaders will show the direction of where to go. The vision that is given will make his followers are motivated to achieve the vision given. Visionary leader would stand up in front and invite others to contribute in achieving the vision. This leadership style is very suitable to be applied to the organization that is changing or developing.
2. The coaching leader
Leaders with this type will try to find the strengths and weaknesses of their followers and try to develop it. Strengths and weaknesses of the followers who owned it tries to overhaul and assisted to be more developed. Leaders of this type will be more to delegates and others to monitor or guide. They will listen to problems or issues faced by the followers and then give inputs. They will tell you what is wrong and what is right from what his subordinates. This style is best suited to build organizations that want to continue to grow.
3. The affiliative leader
This type is more directed to the good relations between superiors and followers. Leaders with this type of fruit will encourage children to build good relationships. In the event of discord or conflict will be resolved properly. This style is suitable for use when team members have split or problems. Leaders will come down and ‘harmonize’ return.
4. The democratic leader
Democratic leader is a leader who will listen and receive input from followers. Leaders of this type would greatly appreciate input from other parties. By listening to, then the followers will feel valued and they will contribute as well as a higher loyalty. The weakness of this type is when a lot of listening but no real action taken, this will result in decreased sense of loyalty from others. Democratic leadership style is needed when the required inputs and ideas from the followers.
5. The pace-setting leader
Leaders with this type will set a high standard in their followers. They provide challenges and expect high yields. Although providing a high standard, but done little guidance from leaders. Sometimes when needed leaders with this style will terun and give examples and demanded his followers to be able to do what it does. Leadership style is suitable for team members who have high motivation and high competence. But if applied with team members who have low motivation and competence that it will produce a very bad performance.
6. The Commanding Leader
This style is giving directions, commands and command a clear and unequivocal. Leaders will provide a tight control on their followers to do what is commanded. This style is suitable to be applied to the followers of the ‘recalcitrant’. In addition, this style fits done at the time of critical period and require quick action.

A good leader is a flexible leader with his leadership style. Leadership style must be adapted to the situation and current conditions. That requires the ability to manage emotional intelligence. (KES)


4 Character’s Need to be shunned

Good friends always make us laugh, providing input for the sake of our progress, and always in love and sorrow. A good friend becomes a place to share. However, not everyone has the best interests at heart.
There are friends who you think is good, it turns out to have bad intent. Beneath the good attitude, they can keep something hidden.
As quoted from page She Knows, if you feel suspicious about the attitude of a friend, or always negative thinking time with him, you should first identify the four characteristics that you should stay away from friends:
Bad 1.PengaruhA good friend should help you grow as a person of good and away from fear and the wrong decision. However, there are friends who make you do things that are not supposed to do or encourage you to take wrong decisions.
There is also a friend who invites you with her foray into negative actions. Friends like this do not deserve is around you. Associating with people who can give good influence for you.
2. Always complainingThere are friends who never see the positive side of every situation. If you met her, she always complained. Not only complaint on a case but to everything, from work, family, until about food.
Perhaps the complaints of certain problems can still be tolerated. However, if you continue attacked by a variety of complaints and problems that are not necessary even to exaggerate the problem, it only adds to the mind, frustrating and exhausting your life. In fact, you do not have a chance to talk to him because he never stopped complaining.
If it were so, you should slowly move away from him. Stop receiving the call, because he only wanted to complain that is not important to you.
Self boasting 3.GemarWhat he does is always better than you, so that it conveys to you. He thinks you just like its competitors. If you succeed at something, she looked unhappy. If he is successful against something, he’ll show off on your excess.
Friendship means pleased with the success of a friend. If you are pleased and happy, good friend will come happily. So if there are friends who are not happy with you, it looks like he’s not right for your friend. Even tacitly considered an enemy could be you.
4. Thought he knew everythingSome dissenters feel they know everything. They always have never missed an opportunity to brand you are always wrong without showing that they can provide a better way.
Be careful if you have a friend like this. Suggestions, advice, and criticism is necessary for one’s progress. However, good advice is not dropping people. Good advice should direct you sincerely thing you should do. He is also willing to listen to your opinion.If only to criticize it on an ongoing meneruh without directing to something better, instead they are people who get smart and not good for your progress.


Tips n Trick Public Speaking

Tired of being a passive and want more confident in front of people? Begin to enrich and build self-confidence! You can begin to try the following trick!

Did you know, not all people who currently work as a speaker or presentation in public perpetrator is a person who was born with a sense of confidence is high. Some of them are also often hit by “stage fright” when it should be a central concern within a community.
Yes, indeed stage fright can hit anyone. Not only a public speaker, regular employees who at one time must submit proposals in the meeting room could have been attacked even stage fright.
When a turn must voice their opinion, it suddenly lost all courage follows a series of words that have been arranged neatly in mind. Or, when I had to explain the proposals being discussed, you lose control speech. Talk was so out of focus and seem endless.
The next session, you also left the audience who initially was ready to listen to explanations from you. Well, no need to despair if often experienced such a case! There are many tricks you can do for your confidence grows when speaking in public.
1 Keep the Speed ​​Talk Keep the rate of speaking in order to remain moderate. Do not speak too fast. People will be difficult to understand what you’re talking about when talking too fast. Most speakers who have high self-confidence will speak slowly, but do not lose focus or become boring.
2 Develop Language Take the time to improve your vocabulary. Do not talk too much, especially when you are presenting. When you often use excessive words will make you look less intelligent. Similarly, if often uses many terms in the choice of words, just to make you appear more authoritative.
3 Use the Diaphragm Talk through the diaphragm (chest cavity). This will give you a sound resonance and projection.
4. Open Hand Use gestures (body language) to open the hand with the position of your palms facing upwards. This will give the impression you say, “I do not have things to hide. I only speak the truth! “However, do not do it excessively, because it would interfere with or disrupt the attention of your audience.
5. Maintain Eye Contact As you explain the idea, you should do with maintaining eye contact with any other person. This will make you not lose focus when speaking in public.
6. Standing Upright Try to remain standing upright every time you have the opportunity to speak in public. Do not keep your hands in his pockets, and do not forget to smile always best, without the artificial impression.
7. Throw Some Words Habit says, “Eee …”, “What’s that”, or “Anu”, should start you lose while speaking in public. Using phrases or words like these will make you look insecure and unprofessional.
add the little gan for speaking rate

according to ane lecturer in public speaking courses and presentation:

klo we talk fast, it means what it very fast didenger
klo we talk normal, it means what it quick didenger
klo we talk slow, means what is heard is normal

so less is more gan


Why Children Need to Learn Drawing?

Perhaps, among us parents, there are those who think that learning to draw for children is a special event for those interested in painting, or which is generally said that he ‘gifted’. Nowadays many parents who include their children in extracurricular courses or drawing. Some of the parents have the view that drawing skills can be useful in the future for their children’s careers. For example, a career in the world of design. The reason for this is right and good.

There are also parents who want their children to develop skills toward mental development, namely by including race-race child in order to test the courage and passion to compete, and hopefully win gratitude. It is also not bad. But parents should not become mere ambition.

If we observe, when a child learn to draw that many exercises that can support their development, in addition to skills is also beneficial for their emotional development. Now let us discuss more in depth about the benefits of learning to draw, and its relationship with the development of a child, both in terms of skills and emotional development.
Four aspects of learning to draw
When a child learn to draw, there will be an activity or a learning process that includes a sense of vision, mind, mental and physical child. Each process is associated with the development of skills and mental.
To clarify, the process is divided into four aspects, namely:

1. Visual aspect, namely the visual capabilities of children develop when they practice drawing with a mentor. These aspects include:

* The ability to record
When a child learn to draw, the ability of a trained first is its visual capabilities, ie a child’s ability to record an object / form is viewed. A child who drew from the memories of her vision is a characteristic of an intelligent child. He will develop into a child who can visualize an idea, expressed in the form of images.
* The ability to distinguish shapes, spacing and proportion
In learning to draw a shape and learn to distinguish a look at the objects with different sizes this is related to far-close objects are in view. Furthermore, they will be trained to see objects in proportion to shape and space.
* Sensitivity to color
In learning to draw a child will also be acquainted with the colors and coloring techniques. With practice to know the color of a child will learn to get used to the always-colored appearance, it affects the taste of these beauties. And they will learn about hamonisasi.

2. Aspects of knowledge, namely knowledge of drawing techniques.
In learning to draw, a child will be introduced on drawing techniques. The techniques in the drawing is shown to the child’s knowledge. Coaches encourage and train these techniques so that children become skilled at applying their knowledge when working.

3. Mental aspects, namely the ability to manage a variety of feelings and desires that exist within him to achieve certain goals. Mental aspects are developed in drawing exercises include:
* Concentration
A child will learn to draw naturally honed his concentration. When he was coloring for example, he will try to paint the corners of the picture in earnest. He also will be motivated to finish painting with good results. Concentration is the process of focusing attention on one object or one job. Concentration will help someone to get the job done on time and maximum results. This is very good for life. Look at the stately buildings stood, would have been designed and built through concentration. Mentally, someone who has good powers of concentration will also feel more calm. This is the positive benefits of exercise concentration.
* Patience and endurance

Patience is good mental strength. Sure is quiet here is not patiently waiting. A person can be said as a patient, when to have characteristics that are not easily give up attitude, willing to try and if that fails he will be willing to try again and keep trying (persevering). However, do not forget that patience is one of the factors concentration. Patience is a child trained through concentration exercises. Also when he tried to draw the best, not the origin so. Patience is also trained when they receive an unsatisfactory outcome, but the coach gave impetus to try again. Patience here is more inclined to stoicism.
Durability is a kind of mental strength (ductile), long lasting work, not easy to complain and (including) the spirit or enthusiasm. Although one of the durability factor of a child is physical factors or nutritional intake, but endurance can be trained or socialized. We all probably agree that children should start small, although still honed durability. Even children who are playing like running or jumping, playing ball or other play they also would require endurance.

4. Motor aspects, namely speed, flexibility and strength
When practicing drawing, motor is a child who developed muscle movement, especially the smooth muscles of children around the wrist and fingers. The physical aspect is impacting on the child’s mental and skill in drawing. The more skilled kids she will be more confident.

Aspects of this drawing turned out to be crucial for the growth and development of a child. Surely we as parents want our children to be a brilliant child so that later became a successful and useful. A child will feel happy if he can create his own pieces, especially when supported by parents’ attitudes. Confidence will also grow. If we as parents have given the correct direction on your children, then you no longer need to worry if your child will want to become an “artist”.
Tips to stimulate the imagination of children
Key to stimulate children to want to learn to draw is communication. For example, if we are traveling with children to a place, for example to markets, malls, restaurants, supermarkets, recreation to attractions, or perhaps passing on the highway, take the child to notice something.
If we are in the supermarket, take the child to pay attention to the forms rack, display of goods or trolley. Or, take them to pay attention to people who queue at the cashier. If we are in the market, take them to pay attention to busy-busy people who buy and sell.
In visual terms, such as we were inside the speeding vehicle on the highway, take the kids to see the narrow road because away. See also objects that are further away will be smaller, trees and cars will get smaller as more distant from us. This is a visual train children in perspective.

On the other tourist places like the beach, take them to notice the form of palm trees, boats and so forth. Or if we’re in the mountains invite to take the form of fir trees, mountains or hills and so forth.
Indeed we can do it while watching along with them in front of the television, it is also permissible. However, something that would be stronger impression in the memory is through direct experience is real. I believe we can do it with ease.
Good luck.


Build 4 New Habits This It Today

There are many simple things we can do to improve the quality of our health. But the steps that we do sebaiknyalah have a good weight by as much as possible health benefits we receive.
1. Step into fitness facilities, register immediately, and directly exerciseAnother alternative is to do push-ups during television commercial breaks, rest when the event took place, and do it again when the television breaks came back. Do as much as possible that we can do. Calculate the numbers and trying to do over 2 days later.
Exercising is the only effective way to:– Increase the intake of oxygen into the blood, body cells, and brain.– Improve response strength and muscle toning– Training of motor skills and strengthen the body’s balance– Maintaining the function of important organs like the lungs and heart– Burn body fat, including subcutaneous fat, which covers the organ, and that is in the blood
2. Eat more vegetablesVegetables are sources of vitamins, minerals, fiber, antioxidants, chlorophyll, and hundreds of bioflavonoids which are beneficial to health. Where possible, the consumption of raw or processed in a state as possible. Vegetables are nutrient dense food source that is not fattening, so it can be consumed in large quantities without having to fear are overweight, instead we get a slim body. Dozens of world scientific research has confirmed the benefits of vegetables including: reducing the risk of colon cancer, keep blood sugar stable, and gives a sense of satiety is longer.
3. Firmly with rest periodsRest is an opportunity for regeneration of damaged cells, treating the body’s vital organs, maintaining healthy central nervous system (central nervous system), mengotpimalkan hormones that play a role in slowing the aging process, fat burning, and reduce stress. Set a bedtime and wake time, and DELIVER!
Do the 3rd of this, consistently. And find new strength that we do not realize we have previously had, witnessed the changes that we make for ourselves, this will establish a new confidence that we can also make the same changes in aspects of career, finances, relationships, spiritual in our lives.
4. Stop SmokingStatistics found, the success rate of most smoking cessation occurs in those who quit DIRECT without dose reduction process. So just quit now! There are no buts, no how-gimanaan. Reducing the dose will only lead to the justification that the ‘impact is also reduced’ and actually have an impact on the failure to stop.
“People who feel most do not have to change for the better in life usually are people who MOST need of change.” – Anonymous
Stay strong & healthy, Agans!


Shy Child Facts and Causes

This child is happy to be alone and do something in his room, and even this very whiny kids once. Feelings of shame is a feeling of anxiety experienced by a person against the views of others above himself. Some interpret it as something weird, be careful, suspicious and so forth.

In general, human birth has had little sense of shame, but if that feeling has turned into a kind of excessive fear, then it will be a phobia, the fear experienced pressure from others or fear of facing the community. Children who always shy away from the hustle and can not actively interact with the others.
Teachers are not easily tell if a shy student, because in general they do not like noise or problems. Shyness can be a serious problem because it will hinder a child’s life, for example in the association, the growth of self-esteem, learning, and self adjustment. Generally characteristic of children is too sensitive shy, hesitant, isolated, depressed, and too difficult to get along. So they need to be given assistance.


1. Elements of Heredity
This is an indirect factor and uncertain. From birth the child looks a bit sensitive and the possibility of it happening because of innate moment when the mother was pregnant with mental and physical pressure. But this is also yet to be a strong evidence of a sensitive child later whether it would be a shy.

2. Childhood Less Happy
There are some children who experience things that are less fun in his childhood. For example, parents often move, parental divorce, parental death, were forced to change schools or humiliated by a friend and so forth. All the experiences that lead to the disruption of their social relationship with the environment, like dodge or retreat, and did not dare mingle with strangers.

3. Lack of community
Shy nature would occur if the child lives with a background in which he was neglected by her parents, or raised in a family environment into exile, too restrained so that they can not have normal social relationships with the community.

4. Inferiority complex
Perhaps a sense of shame that arise because the child was short, being stiff or have a bad habit, then tried to cover it up with a way to be alone or to avoid interaction with others. Due to lack self-confidence and thought he was not comparable with others, he does not like to show themselves in the crowd.

5. Others Views
Many children become shy because of the views of others who had penetrated into her since childhood. Perhaps adults are often told that she was shy, even teachers and friends also thinks the same, so that finally he really be a shy.

Though these children will become children who excel in science and technology, or they can also be seniman2 and world-class masters, they are children who are sensitive and full of love, especially love of the parents.

Because of some agan who ask what’s the solution, add ane seh …. How do I encourage shy kids become confident:
1. Eye contactWhen talking with a child, he always asked for your eyes. With force and apply it every time, children will gradually get used to making eye contact with the speaker.
If the child does not feel comfortable staring right in the eyes of the speaker, taught him to look at the top of the nose between the eyes of people in front of him. With repeated practice, children will not require this technique more and more confidence to stare straight in the eyes of his interlocutor.
2. Coaching conversationsCreate a list containing the opening sentence of a conversation that is easy to use children to talk to various groups of people, such as a person who has been known, adults who have never met, who seldom met old friends, new kid at school, or child who often play with him in playground.
After that, take the child to practice using these sentences to feel familiar and comfortable to say it. One trick that can be used is to practice the conversation via telephone with a supportive audience at the other end. Thus, the child will not feel setertekan as if face to face talks.
3. Practicing socializationPrepare the child to attend a social event that will soon be held to explain the background, expectations, and the audience who came to roughly the event. Then, help your child practice how to meet other people at the dinner table etiquette, basic skills of speaking, and how to say goodbye gracefully.
4. Opponent practicePhilip Zimbardo, renowned as an expert to overcome embarrassment, shy children recommend to pair with the younger children to practice within a short period. Create opportunities for children to play with other children younger than himself, such as brother, cousin, neighbor’s child, or one of your acquaintances.
If a shy teenage boy, let him take care of small children to practice skills that are reluctant dipraktikkannya socialize with children his age.
5. One on oneDr. Fred Frankel, a psychologist and former Social Ability Training Program at UCLA, suggested a game one on one as the best way for children to build self-confidence.
Encourage children to invite a friend to play together for a few hours to know each other and make friends to practice skills. Provide small meals as a snack and prevent interruptions as far as possible from their activities. Do not allow children turn on the television during the play session.

Perceptions of Parents Determine the Future of Children
Denise ran a small food refuse disuapkan going into his mouth. Mama chasing behind him, shouting, “Denise let this eat you know it’s late. You will be hungry. Mama’s still a lot of other work ya!” From his tone can be described feeling hopeless and do not know what to do. Feeling irritated, angry, tired and helpless reflected in actions and words of his mama. Si Deni with acuhnya running to and fro.
Shortly thereafter came the Ferry, brother Denis, who was in junior high school. While he threw his bag onto the couch to the refrigerator and took a drink there. After that he took off his shoes and socks and let it lay abandoned in front of the fridge. Then go to his room and yelled, “Ma’am get me to eat dong. Hungry ya!”
If you are facing the events above what would you do? Are you going to directly scold them? Or are you going to beat them because we no longer stand his behavior? Or you will be immediately called him and yelled at them? Or maybe you will ask them gently on what actually happened to them and then help them find a solution?
Not so important what your actions. The most important thing here is to find out what your main cause of such action. It does not matter whether you are angry or questioning him gently. What is important is the thinking behind the action. This is control yourself for this. Thinking is what lies behind your actions to educate and nurture children. We call it by perception.
Where perception arise? The perception arises from a series of ideas crystallized. These thoughts arise from a variety of memorable experiences. All of our experiences in childhood will be footing basis. From here we then develop more complex thinking.
Experience how that will shape the thinking? All the experience that we experience in our lives. What we hear, what we see and what we experience in childhood will influence our thinking. These initial thoughts and then we bring in the association of youth and adults. And finally we make today.
Once we have children then we will operate with the thought that already inherent in us. Thought is at the base of each of our actions. These thoughts become perception.
One thing that most people do not realize is that this perception could lock our thinking. This perception is a corridor of our thinking. He traps us in it. Best of our ability to think if the first one then the perception will not find the answers we want.
Take for example a child who was fed up eating running to and fro. If our initial perception that this child naughty, fussy eating, not value my time and various other negative initial perceptions then our actions will be negative as well. Angry for example. Or say something that annoyed tone, eg “Come quick! Mama’s still not deal with any other job you do!”, The child himself does not feel important, he felt himself unable to meet the expectations his parents, but he did not want to eat. Eventually the child has no apparent conflict of self and pride to be contaminated. Or “If running like that, I would not suapi you again!”. The fact is he fed up again tomorrow. Parents become inconsistent in the eyes of a child.
But if our initial perception is positive for example, “I have to help him understand why he needs to eat now”, or “He is a child who needs to understand” the next action can be very different for us. Maybe we will ask him very attentively to find the reason why he ran when fed a meal. The result is the child feel cared for and understood. He could feel welcome so that developing healthy self-esteem.
From these examples it is clear that the direct perception of our actions. And our actions are ultimately triggered a reaction from the child. The reaction of the child would trigger certain thoughts. And this thought will shape the child’s perception of himself. Finally, children’s self concept is formed. Can you see your role as a parent is very large in shaping your child’s self concept? Did you know that self-concept is what will determine his future later?
Parents, in particular a significant degree, also determine the future and the fate of a child through their attitudes and actions to their children. As parents we are very obliged to develop self-control and awareness is very high through the efforts of continuous learning so that we could set an example and the best example for our children. Like the tree and fruit, we parents are the root of which determines the quality of fruits like what we produce. If, as our roots are not able to absorb nutrients around us and not able to channel it into the trunk of fruit on the tree then there will not develop properly.
As parents we need to develop themselves to improve themselves by way of controlling our perception and re-examine the origins of those perceptions are formed within ourselves for the future of our children.


Momentum, Success Secrets

If you want success, Agan first have to know what would be achieved. After that, do planning, and ‘just do it’.
Often, in the various seminars I’m asked, “Mas, how to do for the guns feel lazy? To motivate yourself? “There also are asked,” Mas, sometimes we have an idea, then fitting ngejalanin, … in the middle of the road so lazy. Why do not you? “
Well, from early 2011, the campaign that I sounded the “MAKE it happen”. What does it mean? I would like to invite Agan (and myself too) to realize what Agan (and I) want to accomplish so far, in this year!
What do the questions above with this campaign? Clear close! For lazy guns, to always have a highly motivated and fit ngejalanin can continue to completion, it is a process in the “MAKE it happen”, making ideas / goals into reality.
How to do?
Use the momentum! Usually, when an idea, we feel excited. Then, we began planning how-gimananya. Trying to small-scale research. Met with many people, ask for an opinion, read books, and others. So ‘all’ have been collected and have a fairly confident, just beginning to do it.
Nobody is wrong with the step-step above. But most people realize that guns are, they do it too long! If I have an idea, to inspire what I want to accomplish … I immediately wrote what I think. Trying to brainstorm their own. Besokannya concrete steps must already exist. While taking the first step (initial step will never be fatal, his name is the first step), I continue to plan the next steps.
Psychologically, humans were bosenan. So if there is an idea, … guns start-start, long Agan will feel bored, let alone fit again the planning process began in the things that make the idea secermelang guns are estimated at the beginning, moreover, if it turns guns on the things that easy. Start with jalaninnya also already feeling lazy, think hard.
So, the key … use the momentum! When it comes the idea, do it as quickly as possible early planning processes. Directly take the first step, thinking about the next steps … while still excited!
My thinking is what makes many people view my work QUICKLY. If Agan can work quickly, so in a period, Agan will be able to accomplish (achieve) a lot more than others. If many can Agan produce, … and continuously, it means Agan will have a greater chance for success.
Use the momentum!
