Category Archives: Secret

Tips: 10 ways to increase followers on twitter

Twitter as I explained earlier that a lot is a microblogging tool that very loved today especially in the international world. One reference in a twitter user should distinguish between the followers. Although the actual follower on twitter about this is not very important, but many followers on twitter will help us to this publication via twitter. Twitter microblogging network is of course we can use to promote our affiliate links. We can try to promote Clickbank affiliate link via twitter or other affiliate links as well. Indeed, I observe there are actually segments of twitter this reader. Even as I mentioned earlier, twitter can be to the monetization.

To twitter’ers who want to add followersnya at twitter might be able to listen to 10 tips from Kevin Rose (, one of the frontman and founder of the site about 10 ways to add a twitter follower:

1. Take advantage network. Retweet is shaped like this message is preceded by the term RT. For example: RT @ yusa95 make money from home, meaning we make re-tweet of the message “make money from home” and the original message came from yusa95. If this message diretweet then this message will go to the following also our twitter account name, so the name of the account we’re hanging out for some time on the site

2. Fill us in twitter biodata correctly so that people can find out about us and our biographical data, so that if people did not hesitate memfollow will our twitter account and distinguish with a twitter account that his bio is not clear.

3. Save our twitter url links everywhere, whether posted on-post about Twitter, the site LinkedIn, facebook, digg, blog and other places.

4. Tweet about anything you like if if readers like it they will memfollownya. Try also learn how mentag here.

5. Bring your twitter account to the real world where you are please explain about your twitter account, when the presentation, when I create a podcast, in a business card, and others.

6. Change the display background we do not twitter bgt standards, at least there is little change and better than it would be great.

7. Make your twitter so interactive with the contest, quizz or others. It is very difficult for twitter newbies make the contest, but for twitter-twitter class Jason Calanis, make the contest is something that is easy and certainly will increase the number of followers on twitter significantly.
8. Follow-twitter twitter followernya most or top twitter users try in or in

9. Follow the twitter accounts of other interesting and one vision try searching in

10. Track the number of followers with or

It seems if we consider these tips to Kevin Rose is quite difficult to implement all of them. I myself also just apply a few points just from the tips Kevin Rose is indeed the result is quite good and twitter followernya continues to grow.


Advice to the second richest man in the world ( Warren Buffett )

Warren Buffett gives advice to young people: Keep yourselves from bank loans or credit cards and berivestasilah with what you have and remember:

A. Money does not create humans, humans who created money.

B. Live simply as yourself.

C. Do not do anything they say, listen to them, but do what is right.

D. Do not wear brand, wear really comfortable for you.

E. Do not spend money on
things that are not really important.

F. If it has been successful in your life, share and teach to others .*

People Is not Happy People Great In All Things, But People Can Find It Simple In His life and give thanks.
