Category Archives: Religion

Dreidel, Toys Traditions At Easter Lasts

First, ane will jelasin about Easter and some of its traditions

According to Jewish meaning
Passover is a Jewish holiday which is celebrated for 8 days and 8 nights. Starting on the 25th of the Jewish month of Kislev

In Hebrew, the word “Hanukkah means dedication. We are reminded that this holiday is something to commemorate the re-dedication of the temple in Jerusalem after the Jewish victory over the GreekSyrian

According to the Christian meaning
Easter is the most important celebration in the Christian church liturgical year. For Christians, Easter is identical with Jesus, whom Paul called the Passover lamb; Christians today believe that Jesus was crucified, died and was buried [a], and on the third day [b] rose from the dead . Easter celebrates the resurrection day and is the most important celebration because it commemorates the most sacred events in the life of Jesus.

Some Traditions at Easter
 Candles lit
It has become a tradition every year, will continue lighted candles during Easter which lasted 8 days and 8 nights

Play dreidel
A popular game at Easter which has 4 Hebrew letters on each side

Eating fried foods
Because Easter is one event that also celebrates the miracle of oil, so it means eating fried foods become one of the traditions during Easter

Now let’s discuss the dreidel
Dreidel That’s what
played during the Easter took place, as like a top / beyblade (surely agan2 know?)
Now each side has their dreidel ² gan writing that is meaningless as well. Writing is a form of Hebrew writing

Origin dreidel
Initially, the dreidel is only limited to a very popular game in the Government Anthokius. This game also formerly used as camouflage to the people the Jews, because in those days they were not allowed to perform religious activities.

You know how to camouflage it?
If the soldiers come, they will hide the goods that are prohibited by the soldiers and started to play

Initially, the dreidel is only limited to a very popular game in the Government Anthokius. This game also formerly used as camouflage to the people the Jews, because in those days they were not allowed to perform religious activities.

You know how to camouflage it?
If the soldiers come, they will hide the goods that are prohibited by the soldiers and started to play the dreidel is a way to gamble  

The writing on Each Side dreidel ² What does that mean?


נ (Nun)
ג (Gimmel)
ה (Hay)
ש (Shin)

What is the real meaning is: Nes Gadol Haya Sham (in Hebrew). A great miracle happened there (Israel)

But after the state of Israel was founded in 1948, the Hebrew letters on the dreidel are changed to

נ (Nun), ג (Gimmel), ה (Hay) and פ (pey), which stands for the Hebrew phrase Nes Gadol Haya Po. The meaning is also changed to: A great miracle happened here

The way the game how?
 Usually, players were given capital with 10-15 pieces of candy. Well actually the way the game similar to dice gan system.
But if there are letters on the dreidel it masing2nya tuh, nih nah he sense that there hurup ²

In each round, players must enter their capital into a place, following its meaning ² symbol gan:

Nun = Nichts which means no, well if the players get this part, then the players will not get what ²

Gimmel = Ganz, which means “everything, well if the players get this part, then the players will get everything that was in the pot

Hey = Halb which means half well if the players get this part, then the players will get half that is in the pot

Shin = Shtel which means paying well if the players get this part, then the player will add to the pot candy kolesi available

If a player runs out of candy their game = exit

This new toy?
Actually there already is a toy from 2007 gan, New nah tuh popular in the U.S. is first, to be exact North America.
There is also diadain Contest gan lho
But race is not usually match rich, complaining how long this guy can play his own dreidel ²

Interested in playing dreidel?

Another Dreidels Pics