Category Archives: Reality

Real incident in American Newspaper!

A daily newspaper in America provides a question and answer column with the board that column that is a woman named Miriam.
Readers can write to the problems facing the newspaper and the selected and lucky to be answered by Miriam and will be published in the paper (like Q & A on majalah2 is, in Indo too many of his).
Well, one day there are readers who send complained kesahnya to Miriam and Miriam hope can answer it, but Miriam’s answer was unexpected. Want to know how the story?

For Miriam
On a day when I went to work as usual, leaving my husband who was watching TV. I was just driving my car a few yards from home when my car is damaged and tiba2 tiba2 strike. Of course I immediately went home to ask for help to my husband.
When I got home, I discovered my husband was in the bedroom with my underwear, he was standing in front of our bedroom mirror and also use my high heels and also wearing my makeup on her face.
I am 32, my husband 34 years. We’ve been married for 12 years. When I caught him, she said she was wearing underwear because I could not find he’s got. However, when I asked makeup problem, then she cried and immediately fell down and admitted that he was wearing my underwear for 6 months. I said you should stop doing this or I will leave him.
He was fired from the company where he worked since 6 months ago. At that time he was feeling depressed and useless. I love her very much, but I am immediately renounce her problem lingerie is, he’s getting more and more away from me, and our relationship has never felt the same again. On the one hand I really love him, but our relationship is increasingly unhealthy. What Miriam views on my problem?
from: Mrs.B. Essex

Miriam says:
The car that broke down when just a few meters can be caused by several factors. First check whether you are heating the engine long enough before you run, or whether your gas tank is leaking?
Usually this kind of problem stems from the flow of substandard gasoline. Try to check the flow of gasoline in your car is dirty if the net? If clean, check your carburetor or battery. stalled car can also be caused by carburetor you are already old. Maybe your car is old?

Screen Shoot News Paper

A Letter from the President’s daughter Nahkoda Create MV.SINAR HOLY

Since Wednesday, March 16, 2011, an Indonesian ship, the Holy Light by 50 Somali pirates hijacked. PT Samudera Indonesia Ship was ambushed in the northeast of the island of Socotra.

In fact, the use of armed pirates attacked the ship for the Holy Light Liberia. But the pirate action that failed after shootout with security guards.

Nearly a month passed, the fate of 20 crew (ABK) is not clear. They float in the middle of the sea, armed hijackers held, with diminishing food supply.

Today, Friday, April 8, 2011, editorial VIVAnews receive electronic mail from Rezky Judiana, daughter of Holy Light Ship captain, Slamet Juari.

The letter was addressed to President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, asking the government cares and is trying to liberate their citizens from the hands of pirates.

In the family, Papa said conditions are safe, but in a media, he told me, eating only once a day, food supplies run out, said Rezky, emotion, when contacted, Friday, April 8, 2011.

Student majoring in civil engineering this Trisakti University told, initially, his family did not want to blow up this issue. But, my brother SMS, he can not stand, Mom crying, said Rezky. I’m confused, we are all confused.

Here Rezky letter addressed to President SBY:

Assalamualaikum Mr. President,

Through these media networks, I Rezky (Kiki), a college student. I have a request, to you reading this message ..

My father (Slamet Juari) and 19 crew had become victims of hostage-month Somali pirates since March 16, 2011.

Until now they were still in the midst of the waters with food supplies running low. I just want a policy of Indonesia to free his father and 19 crew.

I think Indonesia slow in addressing this issue, whether it is my thinking wrong, or perhaps, silence is a strategy.

Every day we must pray, but how long to wait without acting? In addition, they will eat anything later?

Sorry if there are words that are wrong, I just want my mother and family do not cry anymore .. Wassalamualaikum


Well, Grandma 75 of Resolve Internet Connection Two Countries

Georgia a unique event occurred in Georgia. A 75-year-old grandmother decided otherwise responsible for the internet connection in Georgia and its neighbors, Armenia, so much netter failed surfing in cyberspace.

Georgian Interior Ministry initially claimed she had retired to dig the ground to find iron or objects that could be sold. Well, dig it led to a stream of optical fiber cable internet connection in Georgia and Armenia.

Do not understand what its usefulness, the grandmother is cut and damage the cable. Then gave up an internet connection in some areas the two countries. Thousands of internet users are unable to access the internet for several hours.

He found that the cable while collecting metal and even cut it with the intent to steal, said Zura Gvenetadze, a spokesman for Georgia‘s Interior Ministry,quoted by by AFP and quoted on Thursday ( 04/07/2011).

Nosy grandmother had now been arrested and threatened with punishment up to 3 years in jail with charges of damaging property. Indeed, such events have occurred in 2009 in which the fiber optic cable was also damaged one.

But this time, a larger scale. Cable company owner, Georgian Railway Telecom, said the damage to make 90% of regular Internet users and corporate customers in Armenia lost access for 12 hours. Similarly, internet service provider in Georgia to be disturbed.

I do not understand how this grandmother could find and destroy the cable. The cable is protected and such incidents are extremely rare, said Giorgio Ionatamishvili of the Georgian Railway Telecom.
