Category Archives: Politics

Marzuki Alie: Problem building new business elite rather than ordinary citizens

Marzuki Alie: Please, I am Chairman of the House, Do not tyrannized

Jakarta House Speaker Marzuki Alie often loud pair of bodies about the new parliament building. No wonder, Marzuki is often harvested criticism. Marzuki‘s experience also made ​​other House leadership was sympathetic. They hope Marzuki not become a target.

Please be kept Mr. Marzuki, who delivered so that people understand the substance, Priyo said with a smile as he patted the shoulder Marzuki Alie in the Parliament Building, Senayan, Jakarta, Friday (1/4/2011).

Medium Marzuki Alie, like the days are usually, always fiery explain the plan to build a new parliament building. He wanted a new building could stand. He hoped people could understand.

If people are asked to agree not, I believe 100 percent would not approve. But if we explain the strategic plan in which states need new buildings, could receive said Marzuki, who sat next to Priyo during a press conference in Parliament.

This was conveyed Marzuki as a protest against the news media that he considered menzalimi House leadership. Please, I am not chairman of the House, as a spokesman, not been wronged, he begged.

Marzuki was then explained his desire. He wants a new building for the Parliament discussed an educated person fairly. It is considered appropriate Marzuki socialize new building for the progress of the House, not simply a luxury.

Problem beginian it is cleverclever elite. If brought to the campus, professors, academics, just to get it. If ordinary people are important stomach filled, if this ursan important person,“said Marzuki.


Marzuki: Just Elite That Can Discuss New Building House of Representatives, Ordinary People Can not
Jakarta – House Speaker Marzuki Alie clearly states do not agree with the proposal to the survey to determine public approval of the new parliament building. Because, if surveyed held, the results would be one hundred percent of states do not need the construction of the building.
“If asked, it’s clear I have to say, yes, if asked, people asked, ‘need a new building or not?” One hundred percent of the answer is no. Because not Explain. If the system needs to survey a new building or not, all answered no, because the building already exists, “said Marzuki told reporters at the Parliament Building, Senayan, Jakarta, Friday (1/4/2011).
“But if to answer how we want to improve the House from the current position into the forward position, wanted to do, we explain the purposes, needs, there is a new building there, just people say, ‘oh, keep building’,” said Marzuki.
Earlier, Chairman of the Democratic Party faction, M. Jafar Hafsah, proposed that a survey be held to determine the relevant public approval of new parliament building. According to Jafar, who are also colleagues in the House this Marzuki, a survey can give an idea about building public opinion.
Asked whether the proposed survey method does not fit Jafar, Marzuki said, ordinary people can not take a think about the DPR system improvements, including new building construction.
“It’s just the elite people who know who could discuss this, ordinary people can not be taken. If the common people brought to think bagamana perbaikian system, how to improve the organization, how to repair infrastructure, ordinary people dizzy mind,” said Vice Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Party Democrats.
Marzuki said, for the people what is important is daily needs can be met.
“The common people of the important day-to-day stomach contains, already the road, eat, work, no home, no education, over the people. Do not invited ngurusin that way. Affairs so those clever-clever talk, ask the campuses to talk , we discussed. I’m ready, really, to be discussed, “Marzuki said.
More than that, Marzuki invite all parties to consider the substance of the new parliament building that is part of the House Strategic Plan 2009-2014.
“Let’s talk substance, if all politicized, destroyed the republic,” he said.