Category Archives: Nationality

Permadi: When I was in Parliament, the House Doing Gonzo member Many in the room works

Permadi: Many members of the House Doing Mesum

Monday, 11/04/2011, 16:35 pm
Moral current board members is considered to be a lot of dilapidated. Case MCC Arifianto politicians are eager to enjoy the porn scene during plenary session, is a small example of many other cases of immorality.

Former member of Parliament, Permadi said, not a few board members who often do lewd with his private secretary in their workspace.

When I became a member of Parliament I was very close to the cleaning service. They are a lot of stories often find used condoms in the room while lawmakers want clean the room, said Permadi, as reported by the Legal, Monday (04/11/2011).

Permadi said, often gets complaints from the private secretary to House members about the behavior of his bosses.

There are claimed to have treated by his superiors Nudity. So, the scandal lawmakers with his secretary is not a taboo. This is quite common, said Permadi.

According to him, the act of individual representatives of the people are very hurt feelings of the people. Imagine, amid the swift spotlight on the performance of the representatives of the people, was still found that immoral actions do not deserve a state official.

The new building this request. It’s really broken. In fact, House members are now much more damaged than the members of parliament in my era. So I no longer wanted to be a member of Parliament, added the man who is now a career with the Gerindra Party.

Moral Bankruptcy Members of Parliament
Monday, April 11, 2011 00:00 pmDAILY makes tantrum. Edition Saturday (9 / 4) the Media Indonesia featuring exclusive works of photojournalism that recorded obscene behavior lawmakers. Sordid behavior that occurred on Friday (8 / 4), in respectable forum, in plenary session to discuss a very important matter, namely the construction of the new parliament building that the public opposed.
Members of Parliament it is Arifinto of the Prosperous Justice Party, which originated from West Java electoral district VII. Camera Media Indonesia photojournalist caught M Irfan how Arifinto fingers deliberately chose porn video on tablet computers brought into the courtroom and enjoy it since at 11:39:23 until 11:41:57 o’clock pm.
Media Indonesia has 60 visual frames that contain the behavior of members of Parliament. An amount which is more than enough to prove factually not true that the legislator had opened the tablet computer because there is an incoming electronic mail, as he explained, and also not true that he watched only a few seconds, less than half a minute, like he said.
Most of photojournalism has been published in this newspaper and on site deliberately obscures the pornographic images. It was aimed at public politeness respect and obey the Law on Pornography.All that needs to be reaffirmed through this Editorial to underline how there has been a member of the House of moral bankruptcy. Not just any moral bankruptcy because of watching porn videos that is a member of Parliament from the Prosperous Justice Party, a party based on religious values ​​and the most persistent fight for the birth of Pornography Act.
Slovenly behavior lawmakers that not only shows the damaged moral decency, but also of political morality. DPR plenary session concerning the capitol building that will swallow Rp1 trillion more, uh, the members of Parliament do not care, even eager to enjoy pornography.
The case adds a long list of lawmakers decadence. Are not many members of parliament who went to prison for corruption? Was not very many lawmakers who liked to sit defaulters? Parliament’s decision not many transactional products? Is not the result of a comparative study nonsense? In fact, there are comparative studies interspersed watch belly dancing. Now added to watch pornographic videos in plenary session.
All that is clear evidence of the Parliament which eroded the moral bankruptcy of the public trust. In fact, no exaggeration to say actually happened bankruptcy bankruptcy trust and legitimacy of the Parliament. Three fundamental bankruptcy. Then on the basis of what the House is still feasible to decide public policy on behalf of the people?
Parliament is now more harm than maslahatnya. Therefore, you should stop convene Parliament. Should recess be continued only until the period of employment ended in 2014, until a new Parliament is born upcoming election results.
Suppose that the current Parliament coma, severe fainting, poisoning various obscene behavior. Presumably for this country better while walking without a Parliament which was decadent.

Many Members MOLESTER,
Parliament Must Learn from Case Yahya Zaini

Jakarta, Friday, 10/22/2010 11:33 pm Honorary Board (BK) DPR received many complaints about members of the House of cheating. Looks like the House members did not learn from past cases that a number of House members leave the Senayan because the case with women.

It should be able to learn from the experience of video Yahya Zaini with the artist, there are also cases of Max Moein who flee from Senayan because of allegations of sexual abuse, said a member of Indonesian Corruption Watch (ICW) Adnan Hurricane Husodo AFP when contacted on Friday (22/10 / 2010).

Why House members as Representatives to do Mesum?
Genesis (amoral) is alamiyah which has lasted thousands of years and occurs when the power affiliated with money, then act like it was very high (likelihood). So what should the rules made ​​and are forbidden to do, which is now called by the code of ethics. But those who actually use the authority to show the instincts of animals, about the corruption bribery part of the animal instinct
[Director Circumference Madani (Lima), Ray Rangkuti]


Melting ISL-LPI Exact FIFA Rules Club Professional Problem

Efforts to merge LPI Normalization Committee and ISL can be a positive response. But combining these two competitions must comply with licensing rules AFC and FIFA about football clubs that really professional.
FIFA issued a statement earlier this week that states take over the executive committee and formed PSSI Normalization Committee. One of the committee which then led tuga Agum Gumelar is brought Indonesia to the bottom of the Premier League FA or if not can then be dissolved.
Efforts to combine the ISL and LPI to support from many parties, one of the strongholds of Persebaya 1927 that competed in the LPI. CEO of PT Persebaya Indonesia, Llano Mahardika claimed strongly supports these measures.
“We all know, in one country only one league that is recognized by FIFA. But the merger is necessary prudence, not necessarily directly merged into one,” he said while talking to, Friday (8 / 4 / 2011).
Considerations that need to be considered, said Llano is a thorough consideration and should be in tune with the AFC and FIFA’s licensing rules about professional football club.
Llano also revealed that not all clubs, whether they compete in the ISL and the LPI is a club that is considered mature and professional.
“All clubs (ISL and LPI) there must be a shortage. So the maturity and prudence should take precedence in the jointing stage,” he said.
In addition, the incorporation of advanced Llano need for representatives from AFC and FIFA would consider neutral which aims to assess and decide the club is in compliance with licensing rules of professional clubs.
“What all 15 clubs are now worth diangggap ISL professional, so there should be a neutral person from the AFC and FIFA to decide whether the club has become a PT, financial how, infrastructure are like what. So with the existence of this assessment, the club is really professional will be achieved for the progress of the advanced and professional football, “added Llano.

Cecum PSMS Medan: LPI should assimilate into PSSI

PSMS Medan general secretary, Idris, hope the Premier League Indonesia (LPI), soon joined by PSSI so as not to prolong the chaos that occurred in the national football.

Idris warned that the associations of international football federation (FIFA) has given instructions to the normalization committee to immediately resolve the polemic LPI with two options.

The first option is to immediately bring into control PSSI LPI and the second option is to stop the competition LPI as soon as possible. Therefore, Idris asked LPI soon melt into the PSSI.

For that LPI should be merged into the PSSI. But if they reject it, immediately suspended its activities for the salvation of the national football than FIFA sanctions imposed when intruksinya violated, said Idris.

The same was expressed by Chairman SMeCK Hooligan (supporter of PSMS), Nata Simangunsong. Natalie asked LPI soon melt into PSSI for activities not considered illegal.

In addition, before the LPI is legal, Natalie asked PSMS board is not involved in any activities of LPI. “When there are also the managers of the device in competition PSMS LPI, SMeCK ready at the front to remind him, said Natalie.

Sukawi: LPI Not Be Suspended

MEMBERS Normalization Committee (KN), who is also Chairman of Pengprov PSSI Jateng, Sukawi Sutarip sure chaos in the body PSSI will lead a happy ending. Crisis of public confidence in the parent organization’s football this country can recover if all parties sit at a desk, promoting dialogue with the spirit of Indonesian football. Optimism former mayor of Semarang is stipulated in the following interview excerpts.
Congratulations on your election as a member of the Committee on Naturalization (KN). Was previously know to be appointed by FIFA to be part of the committee?
To be honest I was also surprised when contacted by Mr. Agum. After that, the media were so crowded reviewed. I just really believe when shown the Decree of FIFA during a meeting with Mr. Agum at his home in Jakarta. For the betterment of football in Indonesia I was finally willing to accept this responsibility.
There is a judge’s decision to form KN FIFA as a form of intervention, your response?
I do not think like that. FIFA have the right to intervene to solve the problems of its members. Is not football Indonesia have its main office to FIFA. Governments also have the same authority considering football is part of the sport as it has been regulated by law.
As one prominent football, what do you think is the cause of public confidence in the PSSI decreased so drastically?
Well, we were eight in the meeting before it had agreed to not discuss the mistakes of the past. Our main mission now is to reconcile with all parties. If you continue to discuss the previous events, this problem will not be soon completed. If there was a mistake, let’s fix it together for the progress in the future.
As one measure of reconciliation, what will be done by KN in the near future?
Soon we will have a meeting with all parties during this conflict. We hope to meet with friends in the national football Rescue Committee (KPPN) on 11 April. Included also with Mr. Nurdin Halid et al, the sooner the better to meet in order to find the best solution.
You really believe this conflict can resolved as expected. What makes you so optimistic?
Look, in an organization if all goes according to the rule, with the applicable rules will not conflict. If anything, if his spirit looking for kebaikkan together would be resolved. The same thing we would do in KN. In making the rules, but we will be guided to the FIFA statutes and laws in Indonesia. So there is legal basis and clear. After that, we will disseminate the decisions we made as wide as possible to members as soon as possible, so that members have sufficient time to understand the existing decisions.
The management of six owners who then annul votes in congress. It is possible that their rights restored by KN?
The possibility exists. Depending will the results of our meeting with the owners of other voices joined in KPPN. In principle, all of which will we decide for the betterment of football system in this country.
In the latest release, FIFA eliminate the four balloons which the prospective chairman Nurdin Halid, George Toisutta, Nirwan Bakrie and Arifin Panigoro. Against this, the attitude KN how?
KN Chairman Agum pack is planning to meet the special FIFA asking them. I think FIFA could understand if we provide an explanation related to the actual conditions occur. As Mr. Nirwan (Nirwan Bakrie-Red), what sin really can not stand. His contributions to our football was both knew. I think for the last three candidates there may be re-nominated.
Continuing the Premier League Indonesia (LPI) how?
LPI will keep us akomodir. Nevertheless, the zeal to progress football. However, they also must follow the rules and regulations. Later we would also be talking with the LPI to find a solution. I am sure, when speaking on the basis of interests and the advancement of football country, they will understand. But clearly, LPI will not be stopped.
As one of the holders of voting rights in Congress later, Pengprov Java already has a candidate?Java Sound? Oh, that’s the secret … Hahahahaha ..


Imitate South Korea, the military urged citizens held hostage Exempt Somali pirates

Jakarta – 20 Indonesians including Ray Ghost Ship Captain Slamet Jauhari Somali pirates held hostage in the waters of the Arabian Sea. TNI troops were urged to send in special operations to free citizen.
“South Korea could. Hijacking of this case involving an Indonesian citizen especially the TNI should conduct special operations,” said a member of Commission I Muzani Ahmad told AFP on Saturday (04/09/2011).
Party General Secretary Gerindra confirms there is no bargain when dealing with pirates. WNI soul salvation is not as good bets. “I strongly agree that the government use the muscle in this case. It is where there is a path of diplomacy with pirates like this,” he said.
Ways taken by the government of Indonesia, said Muzani, considered slow. Facing the pirates can not be equated with the fight against local criminals.
“We have to show that this country has sovereignty and responsibility to protect all its citizens. TNI bear the task. Armed force is the only way to save our citizens. Indeed, who else will care? Waiting for the pirates freed them?” sindirnya.
As informed earlier, the Holy Light Ship hijacked by Somali pirates in the waters of the Arabian Sea, while traveling from Pomalaa, South Sulawesi towards Rotterdam, the Netherlands, dated March 16, 2011 last. The boat, manned by 31 crew, 20 people including Indonesian Citizen (WNI) is charged nickel seed and should have until 34 days after departure.
Liberation own business until now has not produced results, while the family was deeply anxious crew. They hope the government of Indonesia to assist with the exemption. The family has sent a letter to President Yudhoyono, but had not yet received a response.
Earlier this year, the Navy’s special forces in South Korea (ROK), managed to rescue 21 sailors including two Indonesians who were taken hostage by Somali pirates. Those who hijacked the cargo ship also successfully retaken. Jewelry Samho ship was hijacked on Saturday, January 15 in the Arabian Sea while on the way to Sri Lanka from the United Arab Emirates. The ship was transporting chemicals. The ship was carrying 21 crew consisted of eight South Koreans, two Indonesians and 11 citizens of Myanmar.
