Category Archives: Music

30 things you never knew about the MUSE band

Who does not know the band MUSE, the Group is the world’s top bands from the UK who are guarded by:
Matthew Bellamy (singer, guitarist, pianist)
Dominic Howard (drums)
Chris Wolstenholme (bassist).
One of the famous song MUSE Neutron Star Collision (Love Is Forever) which sold well and made the film sountrack of The Twilight Saga: Eclipse

But did you know = Out Of This World: The Story Of Muse
> 30 things that do not ever know about the band MUSE agan

Here are 30 things you never knew about the muse, ’30 Things You Never Knew About Muse was written by Mark Beaumont. From his book Out Of This World: The Story Of Muse a biography of the great band Muse.

1. At Big Day Out tour of 2004, Metallica’s set up a tent next to the main stage of training, a place to warm up before they appear. Muse came out to hear Metallica heating stage playing the ‘New Born.

2. Being like a child High 5 7 Matt Bellamy took advantage of the high during a trip to Japan to have silk shirts specially designed for him.

3. When not active in the Muse, bassist Chris Wolstenholme is the drummer in the band’s local pub in the town of Devon, Teignmouth, where he lives with his wife Kelly and their three children Alfie, Frankie and AvaJo.

4. initial memory Drummer Dominic Howard is wearing a ring made ​​of rubber on the beach that could explode. Euy ambiguous language, the original hehee gini Drummer Dominic Howard‘s Earliest memory is of being on a rubber ring at the beach as it burst.

5. Band Members (Muse) is a great poker player and never beat Robert Smith of The Cure with getting a wad of money.

6. After Matt’s famous, he was surprised given the paintings he was naked with hearts that covered his cock and with a picture of crow on his shoulder, are fans of the Russians who made ​​it, on my next visit to the country he was given a telescope astronomer large size by the same person.

7. When asked for permission to play one of the largest church organ in Europe to complete the recording of megalomania‘of the Origin Of Symmetry, pastor of the church asked to see the lyrics of his songs in advance to ensure that they are not allies of the devil.

8. At Wembley Stadium in June 2007 the band had planned to fly to the platform using a jetpack, but they feel it is not good for safety and safety procedures.

9. So much damage done to muse on tour musikdi instruments Origin Of Symmetry. band and the crew agreed to call the tour as the Origin Of Chaos tour

10. Since the first Muse recordings Matt has never let anyone other than the record producer heard him sing without musical accompaniment. Even the band members (chris and dom) are not allowed to live in the studio when Matt recorded his vocal tracks.

11. In their American tour in early 2005 Muse held a competition where the fans have to solve an anagram of the title of a new song on their playists, who will lead a secret message with a gift that is a bicycle accidentally left in the city.

12. Matt villa on Lake Como, Italy was once the paint to Winston Churchill.

13. sometime during the recording process, Muse ever considered making Black Holes and Revelation into a triple album. Albums with the song‘s core sandwiched between two discs like a sandwich between the electronic and experimental rock.

14. During the Black Holes And Revelations they began to play their old songs in a jazz version to have fun and once considered becoming a jazz band.

15. The shadows of flying people on the cover of Absolution is the original / real art director Storm Thorgerson refuses to reveal how the picture was taken.

16. In 2005, drummer Dominic Howard took part in events for charity bike ride from London to Brighton. He returned to London the same day to watch Motley Crue the same night.

17. Drummer Dominic Howard has a tendency to dress up in the back of the drumkit, and has played in a Spiderman costume and gigs using Gandalf.

18. Moon Muse that bounce / bounce Muse The moons‘used in their live performances were originally planned to be used as a screen that displays the pattern side of the stage and screen shot show, but they also meledakannya.

19. At Reading 2002 Muse late in taking to the stage a few minutes risking fines worth £ 1.000/menit if the count is calculated, because Matt has lost its belt luck with the elephant in it, a gift from a fan who he likes to wear to a gig at the important event.

20. For a while, Muse‘s TV show is famous for the emergence of breakdancer mysterious that is their tour manager Glen, who will breakdance on every event on the order of the band.

1. Muse turned down the offer to play at the Live Earth environmental awareness concert in 2007 because of their schedules, which means it must hire a private jet to take them there on time.

22. During writing sessions for Absolution in a warehouse space in East London, bassist Chris Wolstenholme, who lived in the warehouse, given that pumped air mattress to sleep.

23. After spending a lot of money to collect two dozen gadgets like MP3 watches and jetpack, Matt rid of everything because he lost his cell phone several years ago and he realizes that life is much better without these items.

24. On September 10, 2001 Muse played a show at New York‘s Mercury Lounge and went straight to the airport to fly to Boston after the show. Then they were late because of benighted and memesean ticket for tomorrow. They stayed at the hotel Manhattan‘s Lower East Side when the plane they were traveling crashed into the WTC fails.

25. Many of the guitar designed by Devon‘s Matt Hugh Manson to incorporate elements of revolutionary technical guitar into the body, such as the touchpad and the whammy pedal. At Wembley Stadium in 2007, guitarist Matt brought to the stage by a remote-controlled robots.

26. Over the past two years while touring Origin Of Symmetry Muse spending £ 150 per show because Matt destroy a guitar on stage. Matt costs borne directly from his own pocket.

27. Muse wanted to play at the Royal Albert Hall this year as Matt‘s father, who is a member of 60s band, guitarist of The Tornados (of Telstar fame), always told Matt it was his favorite place to play.

28. During the recording of Muse’s third album Absolution, Matt Bellamy became so stressed because she was a bad dream over and over again, hung upside down and beaten on his legs.

29. Muse frontman Matt Bellamy is a skilled diver, and claimed that at one kpenyelaman instructor tried to kill him with just fill half a tank of oxygen because she fancied Matt’s girlfriend.

30. When their first headline on the second stage at V, Muse introduced on stage by Coldplay’s Chris Martin in a hoodie. Since then Matt and Chris have regularly send sms joke tonguein-cheek.


Movie Night Out – Bandung

Surprise! Surprise!
Squire Still remember the KASKUS Rooftop Movie Night in mid-February last? Here his Gan Thread:

‘ve certainly remember dong? KASKUS also still remember very much Kaskuser outside Jakarta that could not attend the event due to distance limitations. You guys are outside Jakarta do not need sad, this time in cooperation with Telkomsel simPATIzone KASKUS Friday Movie Mania Event ngadain that not much different from the Rooftop KASKUS Movie Night which was named MOVIE NIGHT OUT.

What’s Movie Night Out? Well this is the event to watch movies and Music Performance where we are going around the 7 major cities in Indonesia, which will be held at unique venues in their respective regions. Usually Agan, Agan at Gan right movie at the cinema? So KASKUS want to give atmosphere and different entertainment Watch ya from this event.

The cities that we will singgahi any kind of town? That was his question? Well ya can not wait already onAgan Agan think all. Nihhh cekidot Gannn =
1. Bandung, 22 April 2011
2. Yogyakarta, May 20, 2011
3. Solo, June 17, 2011
4. Malang, July 22, 2011
5. Bali, August 23, 2011
6. Medan, 21 September 2011
7. Jakarta, 18 October 2011

Since the Bandung City that will soon we singgahi, ane love ya Gannnnn first leaked Bandung, cekidot Details =
Date: Friday 22 April 2011
Place: Selasar Sunaryo, Jl. Bukit Pakar Timur No. 100 Bandung
Time: 18.00 Finish

Movie Night Out In Bandung going to have 3 screenings of short films of children‘s work in Bandung, such as =

1. Rasa Rindu
Directed by: Nuraziz Widayanto
Cast: Mary Supraba, Edwyn Salengke, Princess Karina, Arif Rahman
Indonesian. Drama. 11 Minutes.  

Long-distance relationship quiet. Bringing a variety of flavors that are not terbahasakan. Pain that relies on any gadget or technology or even just rely on instinct or gut feeling. At a station, strewn flavors, dibahasakan or not. A meeting of 2 years of waiting.

2. The Inspiration

Directed by : Nanda Ekaputra
Cast : Bayurengga Mauludy, Canesia Andhani
Indonesian. Drama, Animation. 10 Minutes.


A young man named Bayu that feeling has no more hope to make the work because she could not walk due to an accident. Anes close friend tried to hearten Bayu Bayu to continue working and try to give an idea to continue his work. Bayu who initially pessimistic gradually became eager to continue his work and remain viable even though he was not able to walk.
This 10-minute film featuring stopmotion and animation. This film is made of colorful art concept movie. This film aims to keep people who see it have the spirit to work to realize their dreams even if that person has a deficiency. Deficiency is not a barrier to continue working and develop the nation.


KUASSA Plugins

Currently we need the help of friends in Indonesia to assist
vote to our products Kuassa Amplifikation One as a
the best guitar amp / effects software in the world in the polls
organized by online, a website
musical instrument digital product information that is owned by the prestigious
Computer Music UK. In the poll, we compete with
software companies large musical instrument of the United States,
Germany, Israel, Italy, and Canada.

Vote here:

My name Grahadea, active as a Designer / Founder of Kuassa, Inc.. and producer on Homogenic. Greetings all

Beginning Kuassa, Inc.. is a recording studio InfiniteLabs. At that time, one of the studio owners have blogs that provide software audio and recording tips for free through (programmer free VST plugin that has been discussed in the Kompas daily, the site Recording Review, KVR Audio, Cutaway Guitar Magazine Spain , DTM MusicTech magazine Japan & UK). Powered by passion and a strong desire to put the local brand of Indonesia in the global musical instrument industry map. Since the year 2009, began plans to expand the studio into a professional audio software developers seriously.

Currently Kuassa run by:
Arie Ardiansyah (Codes / DSP)
Adhit Android (Technical / Engineering)
and myself, Grahadea (Design / Business)

Kuassa, Inc.. is a developer of commercial VST Plugins Indonesia. Currently, besides Amplifikation Lite as a free product, Kuassa has launched two commercial products named Amplifikation One and Amplifikation Creme in the form of VST and Audio Units Plugins.

more about kuassa: 

If from what I read here and here (big ups to v4nthebroke and bro bro ^ ^ Newbiee_budel as TS in 2 thread tsb),
frankly I am pleased and thrilled with appreciation Kaskuser against kuassa in the sub forum [MUSIC / Help, Tips & Tutorials] resist sharing this with pirated kuassa and other local products in kaskus, a bit late did I read and read threads about kuassa (which Kaskuser Logo very new and the already ISO adhit doang,).

What is certain purpose we make a thread here to share about audio plugins and audio software closer together enthusiasts that we see very active knowledge sharing here. However we are also still very n00b and need a lot of support from Kaskuser all especially for the development of local brands that focus on music.

In the near future, we‘re planning for closed-beta program produk2 Kuassa which will be shared here.

Best Regards, ^ _ ^   
