Category Archives: Love

Prince William Wedding Official Souvenir

Tea Towels

Towels Royal Dryness dengang 76cm ​​size offered by the John Lewis department stores. Towel is decorated with images of crowns, wedding date and logo William & Catherine and is priced at $ 10. While ToDryFor, tea towels pebinis offer Corgi Royal Wedding towel with a price of $ 16.

The Official Royal-Wedding Coin

  Issued by the Royal Mint and designed by Mark Richards. With the second picture bride, Kate, symbolizes elegance in real life, the power of a smile and looked as if she smelled something. William, on the other hand, a sportsman. Created with a value of $ 8, but sold for $ 16, probably to cover the cost of production.

Crown Jewels Condoms

  Souvenir contraception is diproduski by condom manufacturer Crown Jewels. The company sells condoms in a purple box that looks graceful.

Royal Collection Wedding China

porcelain set of official royal wedding was launched by the Royal Collection. In this set include medicine boxes ($ 40), a cup ($ 56), and plate size of 20cm ($ 65). These objects are decorated with a pattern of doves, white ribbon and silver hearts, gold and gray, all with backgrounds striped pale slate. According to the official website of the kingdom, each set is decorated with several layers of shiny gold and platinum 22carat.

‘Kiss Me Kate’ Beer

Britons are getting ready to enliven the royal wedding, and Castle Rock Brewery in Nottingham is preparing for his drink. In February, his master’s beer Adrian Redgrove has announced plans to make the drink Kiss Me Kate pale beer with a sense of elegant, delicious and distinctive English, and balanced with a bitter taste and sweetness. This beer is only produced in limited edition of 100 bottles.

The Royal-Wedding Graphic Novel

Love is have a love story that is told through the writing scrawled colorful and cheerful. That is the vision that is owned by Rich Johnston, who created the Kate & William: A Very Public Love Story, a comic book depicting the life of this duo from childhood up to their lavish wedding at Westminster Abbey.

Sick Bags

British graphic designer Lydia Leith printing souvenir sick bags to provide assistance if your stomach suddenly contracts (ill) on 29 April. The bags are priced $ 5 each, with a picture of Will and Kate.

Tea Bags

British people usually spend the time to drink tea, but even the Germans who make it a wedding gift. Hamburg-based label design Donkey Products offers KaTea & William greeting card, which includes two bags of black tea. In one bag, a caricature of the prince wearing military clothing and grinning from ear to ear. On the other hand, fiancee formerly known as Waity Katie wearing a blue dress and a large sapphire engagement ring that once belonged to Princess Diana.

Unofficial Royal-Wedding Plates

  KK Outlet quirky London has issued an official royal wedding disc collection. A funky colored plate pink, yellow and black, the entire collection is priced at $ 120, and other individual designs can be ordered for $ 32.

Imitation Engagement Dresses

Call it a dress launched a thousand knockoffs. $ 620 price for the dress she used artificial property when applying the 16th of November, with involvement of online sales, this dress out in a matter of hours. One week later, the supermarket Tesco issued a imitasinya made ​​of cotton for $ 26. Consumers snapped, within one hour, the dress was sold online and the best dress ever sold in stores, and Tesco launched back in the same style in red and black polyester and elastane material, the dress was priced $ 22.


Still do not go out after reading this

1. People who are dating can not be lowered gaze of her lover. Early emergence of a sense of love that was is the frequency of the eye could see him.
2. People who are dating would not be able to keep the hijab.
3. people who are dating are often bothbe a pair with her ​​boyfriend, both inside the home or outside home
4. Women will be pampered and mendayukan her voice as with his girlfriend
5. Dating identical to each other touching between men with women, even though it was only a handshake.
6. People who are dating, we can be sure always to imagine their loved ones.

contemplated returning ethics association with the opposite sex in Islam. How many points violations committed by the court? In the dictionary dating, these things are commonplace done, but one thing is enough to forbid dating, then how about everything?

What do you think?

Look out crying! Last Poems BJ Habibie for his wife! Sad … Do not cry, kiss me

Actually this is not about death, not that.

Because, I know that everything would be gone in the end,

and death is something definite,

and this time it is your turn to go, I really know it.

But what struck me so great,

is the fact that death can actually decide happiness in oneself, in a moment, then it was able to make me miserable as hell, like my heart was in place, and my body felt empty, lost contents.

You know darling, it feels like the wind that had suddenly gone dry arid change.

At this time the tears that fall, I insert a long farewell,

on loyalty have you carving, on the bitter sweet memories for you there,

I’m not going to megeluh, but it was too soon you’re here.
They thought I was a good lover for you dear,

without them knowing it, that you’re the one who made ​​me a better lover.

Where may I faithfully when it kecenderunganku is ambiguous, but you taught me loyalty, so I’m loyal, you have taught me the meaning of love, so that I can love you like this.


You are from Him, and returned to Him,
you were gone for me, and now again gone.

farewell dear,
light my eyes, my soul Conditioning,
prospective angel Song ….

