Category Archives: Knowledge

Tips: 10 ways to increase followers on twitter

Twitter as I explained earlier that a lot is a microblogging tool that very loved today especially in the international world. One reference in a twitter user should distinguish between the followers. Although the actual follower on twitter about this is not very important, but many followers on twitter will help us to this publication via twitter. Twitter microblogging network is of course we can use to promote our affiliate links. We can try to promote Clickbank affiliate link via twitter or other affiliate links as well. Indeed, I observe there are actually segments of twitter this reader. Even as I mentioned earlier, twitter can be to the monetization.

To twitter’ers who want to add followersnya at twitter might be able to listen to 10 tips from Kevin Rose (, one of the frontman and founder of the site about 10 ways to add a twitter follower:

1. Take advantage network. Retweet is shaped like this message is preceded by the term RT. For example: RT @ yusa95 make money from home, meaning we make re-tweet of the message “make money from home” and the original message came from yusa95. If this message diretweet then this message will go to the following also our twitter account name, so the name of the account we’re hanging out for some time on the site

2. Fill us in twitter biodata correctly so that people can find out about us and our biographical data, so that if people did not hesitate memfollow will our twitter account and distinguish with a twitter account that his bio is not clear.

3. Save our twitter url links everywhere, whether posted on-post about Twitter, the site LinkedIn, facebook, digg, blog and other places.

4. Tweet about anything you like if if readers like it they will memfollownya. Try also learn how mentag here.

5. Bring your twitter account to the real world where you are please explain about your twitter account, when the presentation, when I create a podcast, in a business card, and others.

6. Change the display background we do not twitter bgt standards, at least there is little change and better than it would be great.

7. Make your twitter so interactive with the contest, quizz or others. It is very difficult for twitter newbies make the contest, but for twitter-twitter class Jason Calanis, make the contest is something that is easy and certainly will increase the number of followers on twitter significantly.
8. Follow-twitter twitter followernya most or top twitter users try in or in

9. Follow the twitter accounts of other interesting and one vision try searching in

10. Track the number of followers with or

It seems if we consider these tips to Kevin Rose is quite difficult to implement all of them. I myself also just apply a few points just from the tips Kevin Rose is indeed the result is quite good and twitter followernya continues to grow.


Kill the myths and the simplification of the history of the causes of false dreams

by: Fajar Sastrowijoyo

from small we often crammed with myths and simplifications cerita2 miraculous by the fact that parents, teachers, and this akhir2 MOTIVATOR2 that makes us think that there is a miracle in the world and the world is like a fairy tale, there is a miracle in the world that makes everyone could be whatever they want without exception. And cerita2 are widespread and eventually many believed to be the FACT that you can use to defend themselves against the lack of self. Well, now that we‘re a big, then I will review some of the myth that it is actually false. Let us start from

1. The idea may just show up magically


Story: Newton discovered the theory of gravity because of the fall apple.

everyone must have heard this story from the first time to learn the gravity of time elementary school teacher / junior high school we explained excitedly how this theory is found:
on a sunny day, Newton was sitting in the yard of Cambridge university, probably while melihat2 gadis2 english enjoy the summer, when tiba2 an apple fell on his head. And EUREKA! of apple magic tiba2 out ideas about gravity and magically out the formula F = G (m1 * m2) / r2 which revolutionized science.
All Because of one silly apple,,,, and the story is often used by motivator2 to say that you can also get great ideas tiba2 that could change your life.
The truth is, the story of the apple never heard of Newton himself. Falling apple story was first found in the Elements de la Philosophie de Newton written by Voltaire, published in 1738, 11 years after Newton’s death and 73 years after the disebut2 apple fell. We know that the days of old cerita2 like this are often included to increase the dramatic effect of benar2 something happen, to attract readers, of course, something that has never changed from the media. And we know that Voltaire was not a scientist, he was a philosopher, who, of course adept at dramatizing the story.
The second source is the biography of Newton by William Stukely, written in 1752 (27 years after Newton’s death), within 27 years after we die, someone who could have got millions of popular myth, one of which is taken as fact.
In my opinion, this is what actually might happen. We know that Galileo Galilei start a revolution theory of gravity since the early 17th century, changing the human view that the acceleration of gravity is not affected by the weight of the object. Starting from then, all the mathematicians who are interested in gravity trying to make a new teori2 about gravity. Newton is one of them. He became interested in thinking about gravity in the end 1660an, and of research and hard work over the past 20 years (yeah 20, keep it in mind), finally in 1687 he became the first person who issued the famous theory of universal gravitation that.
So Newton was the one who thought things seriously and work hard to improve his theory, not the ordinary people who somehow got the idea because of the fall tiba2 apples and wrote his theory in a short time. Want to know how hard they work? Newton worked too hard and at the end of his life became a bit odd and eccentric. After death, an autopsy found that the body contains too much mercury, which may be due diligence work on research into alchemy. This is what might cause strange behavior in the final days.
Why cerita2 about this hard work received less attention than the story of an apple? Well, people like dramas and magic, and instant success. Everyone loves Surgery Homes and Money Shocked right?

                                         or this one,, from

2. Can not math? You still can be a reliable scientist!


Story: Einstein never considered stupid because they do not understand math

I often hear this excuse from teman2 after working on a math test. That childhood in Wurttemberg, Einstein often failed in mathematics and such do not understand. Looks like this is the basis for that “oh, ok, I really can not ngerjain exam earlier, but even Einstein had not either, right? so chill out, if Einstein could be an Einstein, I can also become a sejenius and successful as Einstein! “
The truth is, there never was evidence to support this claim. This story is not clear from whom and eventually evolved into the “Ripley’s Believe It or Not!” And at that time Einstein was still alive, so when someone shows that column, she laughed and said,
“I never failed in mathematics. Before I was Fifteen i had mastered differential and integral calculus. “

Holy Shit. Differential and integral calculus. Horrible.
Einstein never failed math. In fact he is a math Prodigy,, mathematical genius. For all those who had high school education, all of course know the differential, and some are quite clever may also learn the concept of integral. Two concepts are very difficult, so many people do not want to enter for fear of techniques to learn more. Hell, I am a technical and I need 1 year at a university to understand what it benar2 differential and integral, and it has not entered into the multiple integrals, Stokes theorem, Gaussian surface, integrals of differential forms, … .. ok i quit before you vomit.
Einstein to learn it all before 15 years, and before 12 years he has proved himself that the Pythagorean theorem is true, using the theory he created his own.
Whew. Age 15 years in Indonesia is the middle school. Age senang2nya bermain2, the band, going out, try memalak, cigarettes, alcohol, and marijuana, a fight, so frontman, trying to dress like Kurt Cobain, Jeremy Thomas or That Girl in Meteor Garden, watching porn for the first time, and maybe masturbate. If there’s integral and differential learning in life that much? I’m sure he’ll be bullied by big scoundrel earnest kids and people call him, “FREAK !!!!”
I believe there has been no in between teman2 me who understands what it is differential and integral during junior high. At that time we might all still meraba2 arithmetic and basic geometry, and have never heard the word “integral” unless the name of the game Metal Gear Solid: Integral.

3. No need to school to become a successful entrepreneur who created something


Story: Bill Gates and Steve Jobs dropped out of school

Aahhh, favorite stories and business motivator2 pemberontak2 who say school is important ga ^ ^

No need to tell me here. All the people in the 21st century who could read would have never heard how long story rivals Bill Gates and Steve Jobs dropped out of school and made ​​2 of the most influential companies in the early 21st century.

This story is true, but usually greatly oversimplified. They forgot some important details in cerita2 it and only describe, See, people can be successful ga college and become either one of the richest in the world. Yes. You can. But read this first.

Bill Gates is a genius. In grade 8 (approximately ages 13-14, that in Indonesia may be new SMP), Gates began programming computers at his school using BASIC language. He and three friends were employed by the Computer Center Corporation (CCC) to find bugs in their software. He used this time to learn bahasa2 FORTRAN, LISP, and machine language. At age 17, Gates make a traffic counter to use the Intel 8008.

In 1973 he took the SAT (UAN in the U.S.) and the 1590 score of 1600 (see what a genius he is, if converted into value NEM how tuh hahaha). He signed up at Harvard and in the first year he was able to create a new algorithm is very fast and become the fastest version of the algorithm that for 30 years. Armed with all this knowledge he created a company called MicroSoft. Perhaps a childhood satu2nya more genius than that only this person:


Well, for those who understand computers, the ability of him in 1973 at the age of 18 years may have exceeded engineer2 S1 graduate computer today. And that was 1973. Remember. 1973.

Rival, Steve Jobs, about the same. Left high school, he was employed by HewlettPackard as summer employee. And even though he quit college, he still went to college and learn kelas2 variety of things. 2 years after that, he was accepted as a technician at Atari.

With the knowledge far exceeds S1 degree like that, of course they can make something without following the lecture. They dropped out of college because they can make something big and change the world. They are geniuses with Dedication and workhardiness.

Yup, it really does not need tinggi2 school, but with a note, you must have a skill that is much higher than high school graduates who must be nurtured from childhood. They spend the summer with fiddling with the computer. What we do at the end of a long holiday than to go play junior with teman2, read comics, play PES or Winning Eleven, courtship, the band, take a trip to Bali and mencari2 parental porn movie? (the which is pretty new and interesting at those age) ^ ^

But there are more extreme stories are often also used:


Second story: Thomas Edison dropped out of school

Edison is considered to be an idiot and only last 3 months in primary school, became a powerful businessman and scientist who discovered the light bulb, phonograph, motion picture camera, etc., make the first industrial research laboratory, patented in U.S. patent in 1093, and established that one of them still perusahaan2 survive as a big company in this period, General Electric (GE).

Seems like magic? No. Big NO.

Edison is considered an idiot because he was suffering from disorders. Some modern people define it as an ADD (ADHDPI), but in essence he can not be silent, always ask, and rarely focus on a thing as too much that he wanted to know (Musical genius now instead of stupid?). Finally, although no school, his mother taught him at home. Edison bought buku2 like School of Natural Philosophy and The Cooper Union that his knowledge far beyond her years. This resulted in Edison’s understanding of science with the breadth and depth unlike anak2 age. Edison already has an mini research lab as a child.

                                                          The young wizard from

And the story about the discovery of the light bulb? Well, rarely do that emphasize just how hard and the weight of Edison’s work for it. In fact Edison is not the first to find the light bulb, but he perfected the design and material so that the bulbs are cheap and can be used comfortably. The process covers trying different materials and designs for its light source, the process is more or less like a “trial and error” based teori2. Yup. Edison uses more than 3000 theory to percobaan2nya. And after 2 full years of struggle have finally found the right combination. Carbonized bamboo filament. Carbonated bamboo filament.
Now, for orang2 has ever felt the research world, all would know the process. In researching something, we use several theories (read: paper), usually 2 to 4 papers and mencoba2 teori2 it for several months and possibly years. If successful lucky, if unlucky ya fail. Well, now imagine Edison who use 3000 to do research papers in 2 years. We can not read the 3000 paper in 2 years without ecstasy or cannabis and high every day. Oh, well, maybe he did That to succeed!
Good Conclusion

So after reading all the stories above, and realize that even today we can not do calculus, can not get near perfect NEM or worked at Hewlett-Packard during the junior or senior high school, whether we will surrender to fate and accept the “common man” ?
Well, you forget kata2 second largest number after the myths in this article. Kata2 second most is working hard (see? I put a lot of those). How did Newton get a theory of gravity? Working hard for 20 years. How did Gates get all his knowledge about computer? The hard work of a small computer learning. Where did Einstein get the supremacy of maths and physics? Learn mathematics from a small diligently. Where Edison invented the light bulb? 3000 theory in 2 years. Try that.
Although it probably would eliminate hal2 beribu2 pleasure our adolescence. Do we ever hear that Bill Gates is the son of fashionable slang that dressed like Marlon Brando? Or That Einstein Had many girlfriends or was a Womanizer / playboy? Surely We Never Heard Edison Smokin marijuana and get wasted. We never heard of Steve Jobs to play games every day on vacation, and Newton did not even have a wife in his life. But if you feel That the success and glory is worth the sacrifice, there’s a good advice:
If you like something, anything it is, and you Dedicate your life to it, struggle hard, work hard, it will of worth something in the end.

Note: I do not recommend death for mercury poisoning. And I would not recommend forcing your child to understand the integral and differential before age 15. Do not. It would be bad for their social life and self confidence.

Fajar Sastrowijoyo,
CBNU, Korea
15/04/2011 17.16 Korea Standard Time


13 Tips For Aging

10 tips to stay young below and start twisting time.
1. Eliminate the old myths mean you become useless
Scientists argue that the more you trust the perception that with the increasing age you then your acuity decreases, then it will really happen to you. Psychologist Becca Levy, Ph.D. from Yale University investigated the psychological impact on age, especially on how to influence one’s perception of physical and mental health.
Although through his research he found that elderly people who have negative opinions about aging have worse test results than older adults who have a positive opinion as we age. For example they argue that with increasing age so they grow wise. Levy also showed that in cultures that have a more positive view of aging than the culture in the United States or in other western countries, elderly people get better value in the memory test.
In addition, research shows that elderly people with positive perceptions of aging lived 7.5 years longer than people who have negative perceptions. Even hearing loss also can be predicted based on the perception of that person.
2. Clean your teeth regularly
Research shows the relationship between periodontitis and cardiovascular disease. Consider this: a study showed that men under age 50 who have periodontal disease had 2.6 times greater chance of dying at a young age and 3 times greater chance of dying from heart disease compared to men with healthy teeth and love chewing gum. The main cause of periodontitis is poor oral hygiene, and with daily brushing, flossing, and check your teeth to the dentist regularly can reduce your likelihood of developing this disease.
In addition, flossing teeth and blockage of blood vessels have a relationship. Research shows that bacteria found in dental plaque is the same bacteria found in fat deposits that clog arteries. Researchers speculate that bacteria from the mouth can enter the blood vessels and cause iritas and blockage of blood vessels.
3. Maintain a positive attitude
Since 1986, researchers from the University of Kentucky named David Snowdon studied 678 nuns to discover the secrets of the brain, especially what happens to the brain as we age. Their work is known as the nun study, managed to find ways to live with an active mental life with age. One of his discoveries was a positive emotional state at an early age will help relieve anxiety and to prolong life. In fact, there is a study that shows the relationship between the attitude of a person with physical and mental health.
4. Sport
James M. Rippe, MD is a renowned author, leading cardiolog, and founder of the Rippe Lifestyle Institute. He explained that if you look at all the things that cause a high risk of death, one of the most predictable thing is your health. In addition, an elderly who has a good heart health is much more healthy than someone who is young but not aged physically active. By increasing your physical activity, you can roll back your biological clock.
5. Managing stress
Research shows that between 60 to 90% of visits to psychiatrists associated with stress. Stress associated with everything from flu to cancer. Heart problems, hypertension, high blood pressure, depression, chronic illness, sexual disorders and infertility, and diabetes all caused by stress. To increase your chances to live longer you should reduce your chances of illness, and that means you must reduce your stress level.
6. Meditation
Deepak Chopra, MD, an expert at finding the relationship between mind and body, in one of his book states that the study of people who do meditation can have a biological age of 5 to 12 years younger than their chronological age premises. People who meditate have high levels of stress hormones such as cortisol and adrenaline are lower, and their adaptation mechanisms tend to be stronger than the average person.
7. Preserve the health of your skin
These tips will not help you to live longer, but as long as you try to prolong your life, would not hurt if you try to look my best. Amy Wechsler, dental, psychiatrist, and author of The Mind-Beauty Connection: 9 Days to Reverse Stress Aging and Reveal More Youthful, Beautiful Skin, explaining that retinoids can reduce your wrinkles. Some beauty creams containing retinoids, but retinoids can also be found in foods such as carrots. Eating carrots can help you maintain the pH balance your skin’s surface, slightly increase your skin keasman. And the acidity of your skin will help you to get rid of bacteria that settle. For additional information, chocolate can help you improve the texture, thickness, moisture content, and blood flow to your skin.
8. Eating foods that contain lots of anti-oxidants
Dr. Mehmet C. Oz, MD, co-author of Staying Young: The Owner’s Manual for Extending Your Warranty showed that the antioxidant is an anti-aging foods, and one of the best food sources of antioxidants which he liked was blueberry. He said that, “All foods have some kind of dark antisoksidan substances that can protect you.” Another anti-aging foods include broccoli, tomatoes, and acai, a small fruit that comes from forests in South America are often found in juice drinks in the United States. He suggests you eat 5 kinds of foods that contain antioxidants every day.
9. Eat plenty of fiber
Dr. Oz also explained that one key to stay young is to keep your digestive health. And to take care of you took 25 grams of fiber each day. Fiber works by keeping all the nutrients you eat in the body and release of these nutrients if needed. Fiber can be found in fruits, vegetables and grain foods. Try the following tips:• Choose foods that contain wheat as a breakfast or snack.• Try brown rice or pasta made from wheat.• Eat your oatmeal for breakfast.
10. Enough sleep
A study conducted by the Medical University of Chicago found that shortening the duration of your sleep from 8 hours to 4 hours will affect glucose levels and your endocrine function is less than 1 week. These changes will appear as an early stage if you are affected by diabetes. The researchers also concluded that lack of sleep not only causes you to have a less excellent early every day, but you also will be vulnerable to some penyaklit such as diabetes, hypertension, obesity and memory loss.
11. Asahlah keep your brain
A number of successful data revealed during the last twenty years to ensure that the brain continues to grow, develop new neurons and networks of neurons throughout the life. For additional information, the brain disease that is often associated with age can be removed by continuing to stimulate the brain. Dr. Yakov Stern, Head of the Division of Cognitive Neuroscience at the Sergievsky Center, Columbia University states that “Individuals are constantly stimulating their lives through education, employment, and activities related to the hobby, will reduce the tendency affected by Alzheimer’s. Research shows that the chances of developing Alzheimer’s decreased by 35 to 40%. “
12. Stop smoking
Dr. Rippe, you have mentioned before, also states that if you are 50 and you smoke, then you cut your 7 years of age. In relation to aging, smoking makes your skin becomes wrinkled and make you look older.
13. Drink the wine, on a regular basis
Have you ever heard that red wine regularly is good for your health? Dr. Oz explained that red wine is beneficial for your health because of 2 factors: alcohol and resveratrol, which contain high levels of antioxidants derived from grape skins. Winemakers add back the skin of red grapes to wine, but they do not add the grape skins in white wine – so that white wines do not contain resveratrol. “Resveratrol adds one more benefit,” said Dr. Oz. “Resveratrol activate the cells in your body that prevent aging of your cells … 80% of the benefits of drinking wine come from alcohol, while 20% were resveratrol,” said Dr. Oz. Keduanyalah combination that makes red wine is very beneficial. “He added that everyone should drink a glass of red wine every day, although some men can only drink wine in larger doses because he can digest the wine is better than women.

10 kinds of your appearance damaged by smoke

If you smoke, you already know you should quit. This is bad for your heart, lungs, brain, and even your sex life.

But you have to stop from yesterday if the ill effects of smoking was slightly more clear. What if every black smoke created a pockmark on your face, for example?

Well, smoking ruin your appearance. Read on to find 10 kinds of smoking will ruin your appearance.

Bags under your eyes

Do not you hate it when you can not get a good nights sleep, and it shows on your face?
According to John Hopkins study smokers 4 times more likely than not can rest who do not smoke.

  Scaly skin

Scaly skin can happen to anyone including non-smokers. But the risk of scaly skin will go up a lot for smokers.

According to a study in 2007, if you smoke one pack a day Roko for 10 years or less, the risk increased 20% flaky skin, 11-20 years your risk is 60% higher, and for those who meroko more than 20 years the risk increased 50 %, (even secondhand smoke during pregnancy or childhood is associated with higher risk.)

 Yellow teeth

Are you tida like white teeth? If you smoke please say goodbye for white teeth.

Premature aging and wrinkles

Experts agree that smoking accelerated aging, so that smokers look 1.4 years older than non-smokers, on average.

Why facial wrinkles? Smoking inhibits blood supply to create a network looking smooth and healthy skin.

 Yellow Fingers

Nicotine in cigarette smoke can not only make your teeth (and the walls of your home) chocolate, but also make your fingers and nails yellow.

Thin hair

In addition to smoking wrinkled skin also damage your hair too. According to experts toxic chemicals in smoke can damage the DNA in hair follicles and produce free radicals that damage cells as well.

Smokers tend to have thin hair that is gray and balding faster than non-smokers.

According to research in Taiwan in 2007 male smokers are two times faster than non-smokers bald, in addition to genetic factors.


Nicotine causes vasoconstriction, the narrowing of blood vessels that can restrict the flow of oxygen-rich blood to the blood vessels on the face or other parts of the body.

This means that your wounds will take longer to heal and you‘ll have a scar that is larger and more red than you who do not smoke.

Broken tooth

Smoking puts you at greater risk for all types of dental problems, including oral cancer and gum disease.

In fact, according to a study in the UK 2005 in the Journal of Clinical Periodontology, smokers are at risk of up to six times more likely than nonsmokers to gum disease, which can lead to tooth loss.

Loss of Natural Aura

Ever notice how smokers’skin sometimes seem to die? A 1985 study came up with the term Smoker‘s Face to describe specific facial characteristics, such as wrinkles, and gray skin appearance, caused by smoking.

Cigarette smoke contains carbon monoxide, which displaces the oxygen in your skin, and nicotine, which reduces blood flow, leaving the skin dry and discolored. Smoking also spent a lot of nutrients, including vitamin C, which helps protect and repair skin damage.

Healing old wounds

Experts found that smokers take longer to heal after surgery such as facelifts, tooth extractions, and periodontal procedures.

Scaly skin

Scaly skin can happen to anyone including non-smokers. But the risk of scaly skin will go up a lot for smokers.

According to a study in 2007, if you smoke one pack a day Roko for 10 years or less, the risk increased 20% flaky skin, 11-20 years your risk is 60% higher, and for those who meroko more than 20 years the risk increased 50 %, (even secondhand smoke during pregnancy or childhood is associated with higher risk.)

Yellow teeth

Are you tida like white teeth? If you smoke please say goodbye for white teeth.

Experts agree that smoking accelerated aging, so that smokers look 1.4 years older than non-smokers, on average.

Why facial wrinkles? Smoking inhibits blood supply to create a network looking smooth and healthy skin.


Advice to the second richest man in the world ( Warren Buffett )

Warren Buffett gives advice to young people: Keep yourselves from bank loans or credit cards and berivestasilah with what you have and remember:

A. Money does not create humans, humans who created money.

B. Live simply as yourself.

C. Do not do anything they say, listen to them, but do what is right.

D. Do not wear brand, wear really comfortable for you.

E. Do not spend money on
things that are not really important.

F. If it has been successful in your life, share and teach to others .*

People Is not Happy People Great In All Things, But People Can Find It Simple In His life and give thanks.


Why drink in a tall glass endless feeling fast? marketing psychology

Influence of object shape in perception (sense of) human beings have been studied extensively. Examples of the resulting triangular-shaped object perceived as broader than the rectangular-shaped object, rectangular-shaped object perceived wider than circle-shaped object, and objects are elongated (extended) is greater than the less elongated object. Though the object is the same volume.

Raghubir and Krishna shows that the elongation positive effect on perceptions about the capacity of the glass. They also showed that there was an influence on the volume pouring drinks in glass because the glass terelongasi berpersepsi that has a larger volume. Rationalization of this research indicate that elongation create expectations of greater volume, whereas this is not recognized / influenced by the experience of consuming the drinks.

 There were three studies conducted to test this. The study wanted to know the effect of elongation on pouring drinks made ​​by the children, adults, and bartenders, as well as how perceptions (feelings) about the volume of poured drink.

Study was conducted using experimental design. Some people fit the criteria of the study (children, adults, and bartenders) were asked to pour drinks in different glasses. The first glass is a tall slender glasses (tallSlender), while the second glass is a short fat glass (shrotwide), which both have the same volume. Hypothesis testing was conducted using ANOVA.

The results are as follows:

Studies show that it is going good influence on children, adults, and the bartender, despite his bias is different.
– This is one of the scientific application of psychology in marketing. Where can we take advantage of consumer perception of the volume of drinks with the engineering of glass
– Effects that can be used by producers or traders based on the results of this study is to make customers more satisfied with the engineering of a high glassslim.


How to deal with the Intelligent Customer

These are constraints and difficulties in dealing cunstomer especially in the field of marketing web designers.

 Classic complaint of the web designers are annoyed that arrive – arrived a client asked him to replace the web design because it is less appropriate. This often happens when we face the typical client who is difficult to work together. Whereas for sites that client orders have been done a long and tiring.
Of course this should not be taken with a negative attitude, however klienlah that provides jobs for web designers. Perhaps it feels annoyed the hell out. How not, the website of our clients have been considered perfectly both in terms of content and suitability of layout design support. To produce these two things is not easy, we generally take several days to translate the client’s desire to implement them in design.But after all these classic complaint as much as possible we avoid.
Ask and Understand Clients DesireThere is a good idea before starting to design our website to ask a rough idea what the client wants. You can start by looking at logo design, color association (in the brochure, catalog, to the design of office space), then ask whether the design concept that your clients want, simple, techie, perhaps exclusive or other concepts.
You are lucky if we find that clients have a reference site. This will facilitate the process of translating the client’s wishes. From the reference site could be asked what makes your clients love it, of course within the context of design.
Record all results of discussions with the client so you do not forget. Better yet, if you have created a standard form that the contents can facilitate you in making a website design for clients.
However Customer is KingThis proverb is very popular and his philosophy has been to deliver thousands of companies to the summit a success because it is able to serve and understand the client well. But keep in mind that the King also need an advisor. Provide advice to clients if you think the choice of design does not fit with the concept, or the color selection may cause the design does not match the content. Position yourself as the best advisors that will slowly create an emotional closeness. This makes the client more easily controlled.
Ask Some AlternativesIf you have to understand the true wishes of the client, create several alternative designs in accordance with the wishes of the client. Enter ideas – new ideas in it separately so that the client is not fixated on their preferences. Present well about the design – your design is. It helps clients understand and obtain a more precise picture of the website will be created.
Stay Cold face changesAsk and make sure whether your website is correct – correctly in accordance with the wishes of the client. Face it with change requests wisely. Navigate to your desired changes do not disrupt the design concept that has been made. Adapt your client’s wishes into your design so well that these changes can increase the value of websites created.
On TimeThis is a reflection of your professionalism. Do not ever think that the client needs you, but you is in need of clients. But keep in mind that our client must also keep accurate time. Setbacks time due to late delivery of content often makes us upset. Manage time available in the project carefully.
Give GuaranteeYou leeway in giving a specific time limit for clients to make minor changes after the website published will be greatly appreciated. But of course, that period shall be limited accordingly.
Believe that the concept of marketing without marketing is quite powerful. If clients are satisfied with your work this time, he will refer you to someone else. Thus clients can contribute to market since the professionalism you’ve no doubt.


Apparently Sweetened Condensed Milk, That’s Not Milk

For reasons of practicality and more economical, most prefer Mother presents sweetened condensed milk is added to water as a drink of milk for their children. In fact, it is a wrong perception. Sweetened condensed milk is not milk to drink.

It is a wrong perception if there are still a vote that thawed sweetened condensed milk as milk to drink. Sweetened condensed milk is not milk. For sweetened condensed milk was created only for the further application of processed foods such as topping martabak and pastries, said Prof. Dr. Ir Made Astawan MS As a Member of the Board of Experts Persagi (Nutritionist Association of Indonesia) and Professor of Bogor Agricultural University who found the event UHT and Aseptic Technology Helps Keep Nutrition Natural Milk from Lumire Hotel, Jakarta, Thursday (21/04/2011).

It is more economical, she said, where the mother simply store them in the fridge so durable. But let’s just note the taste, sweet is not it?

That’s because the sweetened condensed milk contains more sugar. Sugar, which causes obesity in children. So I appeal to not make sweetened condensed milk is added to water as milk, “he concluded.


[DotA mania ] DOTA 2 will be released 2011

DOTA 2 Present, 2011, carried the Official Valve

Jakarta  favorite Game for a LAN Party, Defense of The Ancient alias will be createdsequel called DOTA DOTA 2. Unlike previous versions, the official sequel to this gamecarried by Valve.

It’s no big surprise anymore when Valve finally brings the sequel of the game DOTA.They also have recruited IceFrog, developers who manage the most popular modDOTA, DOTAAllStars.

As quoted from 1up on Thursday (10/14/2010), Valve has officially announced theDOTA 2 is planned to be present in 2011. Valve is one of promise, the basis of the game will not change much compared to DOTA are now popular.

IceFrog is one of the most intelligent developers we’ve ever come across. He has a lotto make the right decision for many years to build this product, said Erik Johnson,project leader DOTA 2 from Valve.

What are the contents of DOTA 2?

Valve promises, DOTA 2 will include all the heroes of DOTAAllStars. So it is with all theupgrade path, items and skills it will remain in DOTA 2.

Significant differences, further Valve, is the Source engine used. Some graphicsupgrades will carry over from the engine, plus additional capabilities such as VoiceChat.

The focus of this game must remain in Multiplayer. But Valve provides the ability for thebots (artificial intelligence / AI) take over control if the connection is a particular playersuddenly dropped out in the middle of the game.

DOTA 2 will be present for PC and Mac in 2011. This game will be released in retail,which is likely to open the door for many new players which is still known DOTA.


Contains Human Bomb OHKA Japan

Ohka (桜 花, Oka?, cherry blossoms) is one of the planes used in the suicide mission ofthe Imperial Japanese Navy (Kaigun) towards the end of World War II in the Pacificbattlefield or the Greater East Asia War (Dai Toa Senso).

Figure Ohka
Kamikaze which was officially established Laksdya Takijiro Ohnishi on October 20, 1944, in fact, not only consist of bomb laden aircraft pilot who crashed into enemywarships. Japanese Navy was also preparing to fly a bomb, a rocket loaded withexplosives. This flying bomb dropped from a bomber plane. Once separated from its mother plane, the rocket engine is lit and melesatkan rocket toward the target.Controlling a pilot, because the radio control system was still in development

A young Navy lieutenant named Shohichi Ota is known as the originator of the idea of this flying bomb. He thought, basil suicide attack with this weapon will be much biggerthan an aircraft loaded with bombs. For more high-speed rockets and explosivecharges were greater. Ota is known trying hard `sell the idea to his superiors. On a day of mid 1944, he came to the Laboratory for Research Aeronautik AL and meet leadersof design Future Aircraft, Lieutenant Colonel Tadano Mild, an officer of a reliabletechnique.

Profile Ohka flying bomb which is equipped with a pilot-controlled rocket. A number ofJapanese bombers, Mitsubishi G4M2, which could serve as penggendong Ohka prior to launch to target enemy.

In a meeting attended by the leadership of Admiral Misao Wada laboratory and severalother researchers officers, Letda Oka explain the concept of rocket bombs which canbe released from a Betty bomber attack from Mitsubishi. Rocket propellant iscondensing hydrogen peroxide and hydrated hydrogen. Developed liquid fuel has beenused Mitsubishi Japanese Army to develop a rocket. Ota said propellant is also usedGerman rocket Comets. Mild but not impressed. This person must be stupid. Is thiswhat he called a new weapon? thought Mild.

Controlled pilot

Mild then asked about the control system, but Lieutenant Ota did not immediatelyanswer and even looked a little nervous. Mild also repeated his question, by explainingthat he meant the equipment to ensure that the rocket will be right on target. Ota thennodded and replied. Someone who was in it. Mild not believe what he heard. What,cried mixture of disbelief and anger. You are truly an idiot. We will never make suchgoods, added Mild.

Some Japanese soldiers were swarming Ohka Glide Bomb at a place and then not beflown.

Ota‘s face reddened, but trying to stay calm. He then reminded how the Japaneseposition in this war is increasingly worrisome. Enemy control of air, and Japan is unlikely to stop the enemy invasion force only with the conventional way. My plan is to destroyenemy aircraft carrier fleet by crashing itself in order to reverse the situation. This is vitalfor the survival of our country. Therefore, we must make these weapons. “

Fierce debate ended when Lieutenant Colonel Mild asked Ota. You suggest thisweapon crashed into targets, but who will memilotinya. Jump Lieutenant Ota replied,Of course I would do. After the meeting, Mild suspicion that Lakshmana Wada ALresearch laboratory as lead manager had secretly supported the idea of ​​Ota , and will even recommend it to higher ranks in the Navy Headquarters.

Profile Ohka in the intact condition and placed in the Smithsonian museums, the United States. Ohka Model 22 was brought from Japan in December 1945 and the Smithsonian’s new entry in 1948.

It was true. Wada forward ideas to the Department Aeronautik AL Ota, whichimmediately follow it up. Eventually this got to the leadership of the General StaffHeadquarters AL. They are interested because these weapons may indeed be useful inOperation Sho will be waged to resist the American invasion. Mid-August 1944 outinstructions to the Navy for Research Laboratory Aeronautik start trial production rocketbomb codenamed Dai Maru. Maru means circle, and Dai which can also be read as“0, is in honor of its discoverer, Shoichi Ota. Mild was surrendered.

The exploding cherry blossom

Flying bomb was designed to have long 6.07 m, height 1.16 m, and wing span of 5.12m. Wing rocket weighing 140 kg, 360 kg rocket on the body, and 440 kg of the fuselageitself. Reached 1200 kg of explosives, so that the weight of all these flying bombs 2140kg. Various tests carried out intensively, including by Tadano Mild, engineering officerwho initially strongly opposed to the rocket for the suicide attack.

Situation and map Kanoya Air Base in Kyushu which is the base for kamikaze groupThunder Gods Corps.

The only problem is the distance at Dai Maru home range, at best, only reached 60 km.Though the distance to fly American planes to protect warships at 90 km. This means that before it is close enough to the target, Dai Maru carrier bombers to attack by enemypatrol planes. Therefore there is no other way, Japanese bombers should be able topenetrate the American patrol aircraft, as well as achieving a distance of only 25-30 kmfrom the target to release the flying bomb. For it is necessary to protect the hunteraircraft. Early September, the Navy laboratory facilities are kept confidential loud,appeared the two aircraft rocket bomb that had been completed.

Both are specific to flight testing, and formally named Ohka or Cherry flowers areexplode . On both sides of his nose, painted pink cherry blossom colored or pink. Testfly with detachable from Betty bombers otherwise managed, including an Ohka capable of landing back by the pilot. But there is also a pilot who died when the failed landing.After a series of trials, in November began to do exercises for potential pilots.

Thunder Gods Corps

The pilot who joined the Thunder Gods Corps (Thunder Gods Corps) was led by ColonelMotoharu Okamura, who from the beginning involved in the program development andthe formation of corps Ohka pilots. Okamura since mid-1944 always suggested howspecific attacks against the American fleet. The term special attack this is just tosmooth the word `re suicide attacks. January 1945 came to the Emperor’s envoy corpsbase, expressed appreciation for the spirit of its pilots who was already more than 150 people.

Two Mitsubishi bombers G4 M2.

Next corps deployed, among other things also to southern Japan to bases in Taiwanand Shanghai. The headquarters of this corps in Konoya air base in Kyushu, southern Japan. Corps at that time other than already has 162 aircraft and 72 Ohka its parent,also get a 108 plane Z ZeroAttack type specifically for suicide attacks. Meanwhile,preparation for the invasion of enemies more so. American aircraft continued to performpengintaaian and attacks against various targets in Japan, including start taking B-29strategic bombers.

On 17 March, Laksdya Matome Ugaki as the Commander of the Fifth Air Fleet Navyreceived reports of enemy fleet approaching Kyushu. Ugaki continue to monitor. Atdawn March 18 is ordered to prepare an all-out attack. But that day no fewer than 1460U.S. aircraft attack precedes. After the attack, Thunder Gods Corps Ugaki requested to take action first. But the onslaught of great Americans came again, so that Japan plansto operate Ohta berkamikaze failed.

Task Failed

New on March 21, the official order came for the first mission Thunder Gods Corps. Get started immediately, and Lieutenant Kent Mitsuhashi and 14 pitnya first task to attackwith bombs flying. They cut the nails and hair, put it in a wooden box with a farewell letter7agi their parents.

A number of pilot mainstay of the Thunder Gods Corps are posing in front of the aircraft while developing laughter Zero (hawah). Duties as a kamikaze pilot who is believed as a vehicle to maintain national honor and nationalism did not cause them fear death but instead carried out with great pride.
The release ceremony, attended by Admiral Ugaki, while the corps commander Colonel stammered Dkamura mengucapan farewell to 15 of his men. In turn Mitsuhashi to speak, he simply said, “I have no other words to be submitted. Let us die together. “
The first suicide attack with a “cherry blossom explosion” have failed. Pilot aircraft Zero bodyguard who managed to come back full of bullet holes in his plane said, that they were ambushed by about 50 American aircraft. So within 10 minutes, nine aircraft and two-parent Betty other bombers specifically for the task of suicide attacks, fell from the air. Zero plane guard tried to fight, but lost and had to split up. Betty was forced to discard some Ohta them before their time, to be more agile to avoid attack enemy aircraft. Zero pilots had reported at the last remaining four Betty, which is then seen flying wing to wing and meeting together dived into the sea.
Although on his debut failed miserably, but attacks by Ohka continues. The results are generally less fit as expected. American Sehingg was even mocked the Japanese weapons as the Baka or ‘Crazy’, Eventually on August 22, or one week after the Japanese surrender, Thunder Gods Corps was disbanded on the orders of the Fifth Air Fleet which had been abandoned by the Navy commander Admiral Ugaki. He has been doing the last suicide attack at Okinawa by bombers-hatchlings on 15 August. Corps commander Colonel Okamura busy burning korpsnya document. “All what we’ve created and run, stay now be history,” he said.
Fate Shoichi Ota, inventor Ohka, after the war changed mysteriously. There is mention he actually is not the inventor of the flying bomb weapon, but merely a puppet manipulated by some AL leaders. They are ashamed and afraid when known as the originator of suicide attacks by flying bombs. Other reports suggested Ota hid and disguised as villagers with a changed name. There are also saying he never borrowed money from former members of the Thunder Gods Corps, but then disappeared. Effort to trace a source for history never succeeded until now.