Category Archives: Kaskus Events

Movie Night Out – Bandung

Surprise! Surprise!
Squire Still remember the KASKUS Rooftop Movie Night in mid-February last? Here his Gan Thread:

‘ve certainly remember dong? KASKUS also still remember very much Kaskuser outside Jakarta that could not attend the event due to distance limitations. You guys are outside Jakarta do not need sad, this time in cooperation with Telkomsel simPATIzone KASKUS Friday Movie Mania Event ngadain that not much different from the Rooftop KASKUS Movie Night which was named MOVIE NIGHT OUT.

What’s Movie Night Out? Well this is the event to watch movies and Music Performance where we are going around the 7 major cities in Indonesia, which will be held at unique venues in their respective regions. Usually Agan, Agan at Gan right movie at the cinema? So KASKUS want to give atmosphere and different entertainment Watch ya from this event.

The cities that we will singgahi any kind of town? That was his question? Well ya can not wait already onAgan Agan think all. Nihhh cekidot Gannn =
1. Bandung, 22 April 2011
2. Yogyakarta, May 20, 2011
3. Solo, June 17, 2011
4. Malang, July 22, 2011
5. Bali, August 23, 2011
6. Medan, 21 September 2011
7. Jakarta, 18 October 2011

Since the Bandung City that will soon we singgahi, ane love ya Gannnnn first leaked Bandung, cekidot Details =
Date: Friday 22 April 2011
Place: Selasar Sunaryo, Jl. Bukit Pakar Timur No. 100 Bandung
Time: 18.00 Finish

Movie Night Out In Bandung going to have 3 screenings of short films of children‘s work in Bandung, such as =

1. Rasa Rindu
Directed by: Nuraziz Widayanto
Cast: Mary Supraba, Edwyn Salengke, Princess Karina, Arif Rahman
Indonesian. Drama. 11 Minutes.  

Long-distance relationship quiet. Bringing a variety of flavors that are not terbahasakan. Pain that relies on any gadget or technology or even just rely on instinct or gut feeling. At a station, strewn flavors, dibahasakan or not. A meeting of 2 years of waiting.

2. The Inspiration

Directed by : Nanda Ekaputra
Cast : Bayurengga Mauludy, Canesia Andhani
Indonesian. Drama, Animation. 10 Minutes.


A young man named Bayu that feeling has no more hope to make the work because she could not walk due to an accident. Anes close friend tried to hearten Bayu Bayu to continue working and try to give an idea to continue his work. Bayu who initially pessimistic gradually became eager to continue his work and remain viable even though he was not able to walk.
This 10-minute film featuring stopmotion and animation. This film is made of colorful art concept movie. This film aims to keep people who see it have the spirit to work to realize their dreams even if that person has a deficiency. Deficiency is not a barrier to continue working and develop the nation.