Category Archives: Healthy

5 Tips to avoid cholesterol

Cholesterol in the body can cause various diseases. High cholesterol is not only experienced by one who was fat, but people are skinny does not mean low cholesterol. It can also befall the people who are still young. All walks of life, must try to live a healthy lifestyle in order to maintain the cholesterol in the blood remained normal.

In the body there is fat that consists of bad cholesterol called LDL (Low Density Lipoprotein), where fat can be attached to the blood vessels. While the good cholesterol known as HDL (High Density Lipoprotein) is to dissolve fat content of LDL in the body. Normal cholesterol in the body is 160-200 mg, the accumulation of LDL content must be prevented in order to remain in normal circumstances. Here are some tips that you can control the cholesterol in the blood.

5 Tips Controlling Cholesterol

Here are some tips you can do to control your cholesterol:
* DietConsumption of foods that are low in fat and cholesterol. For example, by consuming milk without the fat and reduce consumption of meat. Choose foods with unsaturated fat than saturated fat content. Oil used to fry repeatedly to raise cholesterol levels, then you’ll want to reduce the consumption of fried foods.
* Consumption of fiberConsume more fibrous foods such as wheat, beans, vegetables and fruits. These foods can absorb cholesterol in the blood and remove it from the body.
* Consumption of antioxidantsAntioxidants found in many fruits such as oranges, strawberries, papaya, carrots, or squash. Eating garlic regularly can lower cholesterol.
* Avoid alcohol and smokingWith smoke or consume alcohol, be easy to accumulate cholesterol in the bloodstream.
* SportExercise regularly according to age and ability. Keep your body weight remains the ideal.

Healthy foods, be careful, dangerous or abstinence?

As mentioned above, food is an important thing that can cause cholesterol. The following table you can make reference to what foods you should eat or to reduced consumption.


13 Tips For Aging

10 tips to stay young below and start twisting time.
1. Eliminate the old myths mean you become useless
Scientists argue that the more you trust the perception that with the increasing age you then your acuity decreases, then it will really happen to you. Psychologist Becca Levy, Ph.D. from Yale University investigated the psychological impact on age, especially on how to influence one’s perception of physical and mental health.
Although through his research he found that elderly people who have negative opinions about aging have worse test results than older adults who have a positive opinion as we age. For example they argue that with increasing age so they grow wise. Levy also showed that in cultures that have a more positive view of aging than the culture in the United States or in other western countries, elderly people get better value in the memory test.
In addition, research shows that elderly people with positive perceptions of aging lived 7.5 years longer than people who have negative perceptions. Even hearing loss also can be predicted based on the perception of that person.
2. Clean your teeth regularly
Research shows the relationship between periodontitis and cardiovascular disease. Consider this: a study showed that men under age 50 who have periodontal disease had 2.6 times greater chance of dying at a young age and 3 times greater chance of dying from heart disease compared to men with healthy teeth and love chewing gum. The main cause of periodontitis is poor oral hygiene, and with daily brushing, flossing, and check your teeth to the dentist regularly can reduce your likelihood of developing this disease.
In addition, flossing teeth and blockage of blood vessels have a relationship. Research shows that bacteria found in dental plaque is the same bacteria found in fat deposits that clog arteries. Researchers speculate that bacteria from the mouth can enter the blood vessels and cause iritas and blockage of blood vessels.
3. Maintain a positive attitude
Since 1986, researchers from the University of Kentucky named David Snowdon studied 678 nuns to discover the secrets of the brain, especially what happens to the brain as we age. Their work is known as the nun study, managed to find ways to live with an active mental life with age. One of his discoveries was a positive emotional state at an early age will help relieve anxiety and to prolong life. In fact, there is a study that shows the relationship between the attitude of a person with physical and mental health.
4. Sport
James M. Rippe, MD is a renowned author, leading cardiolog, and founder of the Rippe Lifestyle Institute. He explained that if you look at all the things that cause a high risk of death, one of the most predictable thing is your health. In addition, an elderly who has a good heart health is much more healthy than someone who is young but not aged physically active. By increasing your physical activity, you can roll back your biological clock.
5. Managing stress
Research shows that between 60 to 90% of visits to psychiatrists associated with stress. Stress associated with everything from flu to cancer. Heart problems, hypertension, high blood pressure, depression, chronic illness, sexual disorders and infertility, and diabetes all caused by stress. To increase your chances to live longer you should reduce your chances of illness, and that means you must reduce your stress level.
6. Meditation
Deepak Chopra, MD, an expert at finding the relationship between mind and body, in one of his book states that the study of people who do meditation can have a biological age of 5 to 12 years younger than their chronological age premises. People who meditate have high levels of stress hormones such as cortisol and adrenaline are lower, and their adaptation mechanisms tend to be stronger than the average person.
7. Preserve the health of your skin
These tips will not help you to live longer, but as long as you try to prolong your life, would not hurt if you try to look my best. Amy Wechsler, dental, psychiatrist, and author of The Mind-Beauty Connection: 9 Days to Reverse Stress Aging and Reveal More Youthful, Beautiful Skin, explaining that retinoids can reduce your wrinkles. Some beauty creams containing retinoids, but retinoids can also be found in foods such as carrots. Eating carrots can help you maintain the pH balance your skin’s surface, slightly increase your skin keasman. And the acidity of your skin will help you to get rid of bacteria that settle. For additional information, chocolate can help you improve the texture, thickness, moisture content, and blood flow to your skin.
8. Eating foods that contain lots of anti-oxidants
Dr. Mehmet C. Oz, MD, co-author of Staying Young: The Owner’s Manual for Extending Your Warranty showed that the antioxidant is an anti-aging foods, and one of the best food sources of antioxidants which he liked was blueberry. He said that, “All foods have some kind of dark antisoksidan substances that can protect you.” Another anti-aging foods include broccoli, tomatoes, and acai, a small fruit that comes from forests in South America are often found in juice drinks in the United States. He suggests you eat 5 kinds of foods that contain antioxidants every day.
9. Eat plenty of fiber
Dr. Oz also explained that one key to stay young is to keep your digestive health. And to take care of you took 25 grams of fiber each day. Fiber works by keeping all the nutrients you eat in the body and release of these nutrients if needed. Fiber can be found in fruits, vegetables and grain foods. Try the following tips:• Choose foods that contain wheat as a breakfast or snack.• Try brown rice or pasta made from wheat.• Eat your oatmeal for breakfast.
10. Enough sleep
A study conducted by the Medical University of Chicago found that shortening the duration of your sleep from 8 hours to 4 hours will affect glucose levels and your endocrine function is less than 1 week. These changes will appear as an early stage if you are affected by diabetes. The researchers also concluded that lack of sleep not only causes you to have a less excellent early every day, but you also will be vulnerable to some penyaklit such as diabetes, hypertension, obesity and memory loss.
11. Asahlah keep your brain
A number of successful data revealed during the last twenty years to ensure that the brain continues to grow, develop new neurons and networks of neurons throughout the life. For additional information, the brain disease that is often associated with age can be removed by continuing to stimulate the brain. Dr. Yakov Stern, Head of the Division of Cognitive Neuroscience at the Sergievsky Center, Columbia University states that “Individuals are constantly stimulating their lives through education, employment, and activities related to the hobby, will reduce the tendency affected by Alzheimer’s. Research shows that the chances of developing Alzheimer’s decreased by 35 to 40%. “
12. Stop smoking
Dr. Rippe, you have mentioned before, also states that if you are 50 and you smoke, then you cut your 7 years of age. In relation to aging, smoking makes your skin becomes wrinkled and make you look older.
13. Drink the wine, on a regular basis
Have you ever heard that red wine regularly is good for your health? Dr. Oz explained that red wine is beneficial for your health because of 2 factors: alcohol and resveratrol, which contain high levels of antioxidants derived from grape skins. Winemakers add back the skin of red grapes to wine, but they do not add the grape skins in white wine – so that white wines do not contain resveratrol. “Resveratrol adds one more benefit,” said Dr. Oz. “Resveratrol activate the cells in your body that prevent aging of your cells … 80% of the benefits of drinking wine come from alcohol, while 20% were resveratrol,” said Dr. Oz. Keduanyalah combination that makes red wine is very beneficial. “He added that everyone should drink a glass of red wine every day, although some men can only drink wine in larger doses because he can digest the wine is better than women.

10 kinds of your appearance damaged by smoke

If you smoke, you already know you should quit. This is bad for your heart, lungs, brain, and even your sex life.

But you have to stop from yesterday if the ill effects of smoking was slightly more clear. What if every black smoke created a pockmark on your face, for example?

Well, smoking ruin your appearance. Read on to find 10 kinds of smoking will ruin your appearance.

Bags under your eyes

Do not you hate it when you can not get a good nights sleep, and it shows on your face?
According to John Hopkins study smokers 4 times more likely than not can rest who do not smoke.

  Scaly skin

Scaly skin can happen to anyone including non-smokers. But the risk of scaly skin will go up a lot for smokers.

According to a study in 2007, if you smoke one pack a day Roko for 10 years or less, the risk increased 20% flaky skin, 11-20 years your risk is 60% higher, and for those who meroko more than 20 years the risk increased 50 %, (even secondhand smoke during pregnancy or childhood is associated with higher risk.)

 Yellow teeth

Are you tida like white teeth? If you smoke please say goodbye for white teeth.

Premature aging and wrinkles

Experts agree that smoking accelerated aging, so that smokers look 1.4 years older than non-smokers, on average.

Why facial wrinkles? Smoking inhibits blood supply to create a network looking smooth and healthy skin.

 Yellow Fingers

Nicotine in cigarette smoke can not only make your teeth (and the walls of your home) chocolate, but also make your fingers and nails yellow.

Thin hair

In addition to smoking wrinkled skin also damage your hair too. According to experts toxic chemicals in smoke can damage the DNA in hair follicles and produce free radicals that damage cells as well.

Smokers tend to have thin hair that is gray and balding faster than non-smokers.

According to research in Taiwan in 2007 male smokers are two times faster than non-smokers bald, in addition to genetic factors.


Nicotine causes vasoconstriction, the narrowing of blood vessels that can restrict the flow of oxygen-rich blood to the blood vessels on the face or other parts of the body.

This means that your wounds will take longer to heal and you‘ll have a scar that is larger and more red than you who do not smoke.

Broken tooth

Smoking puts you at greater risk for all types of dental problems, including oral cancer and gum disease.

In fact, according to a study in the UK 2005 in the Journal of Clinical Periodontology, smokers are at risk of up to six times more likely than nonsmokers to gum disease, which can lead to tooth loss.

Loss of Natural Aura

Ever notice how smokers’skin sometimes seem to die? A 1985 study came up with the term Smoker‘s Face to describe specific facial characteristics, such as wrinkles, and gray skin appearance, caused by smoking.

Cigarette smoke contains carbon monoxide, which displaces the oxygen in your skin, and nicotine, which reduces blood flow, leaving the skin dry and discolored. Smoking also spent a lot of nutrients, including vitamin C, which helps protect and repair skin damage.

Healing old wounds

Experts found that smokers take longer to heal after surgery such as facelifts, tooth extractions, and periodontal procedures.

Scaly skin

Scaly skin can happen to anyone including non-smokers. But the risk of scaly skin will go up a lot for smokers.

According to a study in 2007, if you smoke one pack a day Roko for 10 years or less, the risk increased 20% flaky skin, 11-20 years your risk is 60% higher, and for those who meroko more than 20 years the risk increased 50 %, (even secondhand smoke during pregnancy or childhood is associated with higher risk.)

Yellow teeth

Are you tida like white teeth? If you smoke please say goodbye for white teeth.

Experts agree that smoking accelerated aging, so that smokers look 1.4 years older than non-smokers, on average.

Why facial wrinkles? Smoking inhibits blood supply to create a network looking smooth and healthy skin.


Apparently Sweetened Condensed Milk, That’s Not Milk

For reasons of practicality and more economical, most prefer Mother presents sweetened condensed milk is added to water as a drink of milk for their children. In fact, it is a wrong perception. Sweetened condensed milk is not milk to drink.

It is a wrong perception if there are still a vote that thawed sweetened condensed milk as milk to drink. Sweetened condensed milk is not milk. For sweetened condensed milk was created only for the further application of processed foods such as topping martabak and pastries, said Prof. Dr. Ir Made Astawan MS As a Member of the Board of Experts Persagi (Nutritionist Association of Indonesia) and Professor of Bogor Agricultural University who found the event UHT and Aseptic Technology Helps Keep Nutrition Natural Milk from Lumire Hotel, Jakarta, Thursday (21/04/2011).

It is more economical, she said, where the mother simply store them in the fridge so durable. But let’s just note the taste, sweet is not it?

That’s because the sweetened condensed milk contains more sugar. Sugar, which causes obesity in children. So I appeal to not make sweetened condensed milk is added to water as milk, “he concluded.


Types of Supplements are Not Allow Drugs Taken Simultaneously

Sometimes people take supplements and drugs as well as for his body to remain healthy. But this should not be arbitrary, because some supplements should not be mixed with certain medications.

Drugs are consumed in the form of supplements, vitamins, medical drugs or herbalmedicines should not be used arbitrarily.
This is because some drugs can cause a specific interaction that reflects poorly on the body.

Agency U.S. Food and Drug Administration (Food and Drug Administration / FDA) said that only a few cases of reported drug interactions that sometimes is not known. This isgenerally because people are not aware of any interactions between drugs consumed.

Here are some supplements that should not be mixed or consumed together with thedrug, the FDA of Health was quoted as saying on Thursday (04/07/2011), namely:

Fish oil

Eating fish oil with blood pressure-lowering drugs may increase the effects of the drug,so a person will experience a drastic decrease in blood pressure and can be dangerous.

If the supplement is consumed together with birth control pills will reduce the effect oftriglycerides contained in fish oil.

If the consume high doses of fish oil mixed with herbs (including gingko biloba) can slowblood clotting that can cause bleeding.

Calcium Supplements

When taking calcium should pay attention to other drugs consumed by the absorption ofcalcium may reduce the ability of many drugs including osteoporosis drugs known asbisphosphonates, tetracycline antibiotics, quinolone class and used levothyroxine forhypothyroidism.

Melatonin Supplements

Melatonin supplements with sedatives can cause excessive sleepiness. In addition,melatonin can slow blood clotting, so if consumed together with anticoagulant drugssuch as heparin or warfarin can increase the chances of bruising and bleeding.

And also avoid the consumption of melatonin in blood pressure control medicationbecause it can increase the value of blood pressure.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D is known to decrease the effectiveness of cholesterol-lowering drugatorvastatin (Lipitor). Consuming high doses of vitamin D along with diuretic drugs cancause too much calcium in the body which can lead to kidney problems.

In addition, people should not consume drugs with supplements that have similar oreven opposite functions which aggravate the condition, and avoiding consumption ofcardiovascular drugs with herbs.


Cancer Symptoms Men Frequently Ignored

Cancer is a disease is a scourge from the past until modern times. If the person exposed to one type of cancer on the body settles, it can greatly affect his life expectancy.

Men tend to be hard to see her doctor if you are not sick. And with the routine went to the doctor, some dangerous diseases can be detected early on, including cancer. The earlier known to the possibility of treatment and cure of cancer patients will be even greater.

Not all dangerous to give the characteristic symptoms of cancer at an early stage, but there are some symptoms that should be wary of the man who can lead to cancer. Although cancer is uncertain, but at least to encourage men to see her doctor.

Some Cancer Symptoms Men Who Can not be Ignored

Lump In Breast

A man would not have thought could have breast cancer. Although less common, but the possibility of male breast cancer remains. Any lump that appears in the breast should be sent to the doctor let alone be accompanied by changes in the skin of the breast, the nipple a wrinkle, redness and discharge is not normal.


Pain is the most common complaints experienced by humans as we age. Although not all pain led to the emergence of cancer but no apparent cause pain should not be ignored.

Changes in the testes (testicles)

Testicular cancer usually befall men between the ages of 20 to 39 years. If possible, do check the testes to the doctor regularly. But if you do not have time, do an independent investigation at home on a regular basis once a month.

Any changes in the testes either expanded or contracted should be wary of as a symptom of cancer. And when this happens, immediately to the doctor for a more complete examination. Some testicular cancers progress very quickly so the earlier the unknown will be more easily treated.

Changes in the Lymph Lelenjar

If you feel a lump or swelling in the lymph nodes in the armpit, neck or other body parts, you must be vigilant and immediately to the doctor. Moreover, magnifying happened very quickly and is more than a month


If you have a fever for no apparent reason, it could be a symptom of cancer or pneumonia symptoms should get immediate treatment.

In most cancers will cause a fever, especially after cancer cells spread to other organs. Fever plural also occurs in cancer involving blood cells such as lymphoma or leukemia.

Weight Loss

You are fat and weight loss without any effort drastically lowered? Do not be happy first, it could be a symptom of cancer. Men who lost weight more than 10% within a relatively short period should see a doctor immediately.


Weak or less powerful are the symptoms in men that can lead to cancer. As with fever, malaise also occur when cancer cells have spread throughout the body. Except in leukemia and colon cancer, fatigue may occur at an early stage.

Old Cough

Coughing is a symptom that often especially when we experience a fever, flu or allergies. Cough can also occur as a side effect of a drug. However if the cough lasts longer let alone more than 4 weeks, should not be ignored. Coughing can be so long as a symptom of cancer or tuberculosis infection and chronic bronchitis.

Difficult Swallowing

Men who have difficulty swallowing often ignore it and get used to living with such conditions. Though swallowing disorders can be a symptom of cancer of the digestive tract such as cancer of the esophagus.

Bleeding for no apparent reason

Every time you experience bleeding for no apparent reason then you should immediately see a doctor. Coughing blood, dysentery, blood urine are some examples of bleeding you should be aware. Dysentery in addition to symptoms of hemorrhoids or ambient can also be a symptom of colon cancer.

Changes in the Mouth

If you smoke or smoke tobacco, you should be wary if there are white patches in mouth or your tongue. Spotting it is known as leukoplakia which is the initial symptom of oral cancer.

Urination problems

Urination problem has become something common with age. In men, urination problems are fairly frequent urination or difficulty urinating is not exhaustive. When this condition is worsening day by day, it helps you get to the doctor. Impaired urination is a symptom that often occurs in prostate cancer or bladder cancer.

Digestive Problems

Do not underestimate if you experience indigestion. Immediately to the doctor because in addition caused by infection, digestive disorders could also be because of cancer of the esophagus, stomach or other parts of the digestive system.


Baby Can not Sleep with Smokers

SHOULD parents who smoke do not sleep in the same room with their babies. Therefore, the nicotine content of cigarettes attached to the skin or clothing can be dangerous to the health of the baby.

Researchers conducted a study in Catalonia, Spain. The study highlights the effects of tobacco smoke in infants and is associated with a private room. They also interviewed the parents of 1123 infants under the age of 18 months.

After doing the analysis, hair samples in 252 infants contain nicotine. The baby was sleeping with parents who smoke in one room. Levels are even three times higher than babies who sleep apart from parents smokers.

Being a second-hand smoke is a major cause of child mortality in developed countries, said Guadalupe Ortega, principal investigator, recently. Ortega also added ventilation bedroom may not be effective in reducing levels of toxins in secondhand smoke exposure.

not until your child like this:


Someone Character Based Sleep Position

1. Fetal

 This position is the highest position with 41 percent of respondents said they use this position during sleep. People who sleep in this position to sleep curled up, like a baby inside the womb. Generally, sleep on one side of the body, both legs bent close to the stomach. Both arms bent in front of the body. Personality of people who sleep in this position generally look tough on the outside, but inside it is actually sensitive, too shy. This type is also easily and quickly relaxed, not too long confusing problem.

2. Such as wooden beams or logs

  As many as 15 percent of respondents said the sleep study with this position. Like the wooden beams, log type body position usually sleep with a rivet on one side of the body, legs and arms straight, not bent. People who like this type of sleep is suspected to have a personality that is relaxed and easy socializing. Very easy to trust a stranger. However, unfortunately sometimes easily deceived by promises of others.

3. Yearner  

Reasonable people who want to hug, sleep with a rivet type yearner one side of the body, straight leg not bent, but the hand seemed to want to reach. Arms lying straight, as if to reach. This type usually have an open personality, but still has the easy cynicism and suspicion. This type is also slow in reaching decisions and difficult to change the stance and opinions.

 4. Soldier

 This position occupies the fourth position. Like the soldiers who are always in a state of alert, the position is the position of those soldiers who slept with the situation neatly. Body in a state of supine, legs straight in the state, each arm is on the body, is also straight. Usually, people who sleep with this body is a quiet and shy person, not like the noise. This type also has a high standard of assessment.

5. Freefaller

As many as 7 percent of respondents said the sleep study with this position. This position is sleeping with the state of his stomach. Usually, people with this type tend to be careless sleep position, tergapahrushed, too sensitive, but has a fairly high confidence. Unfortunately, it is difficult to accept criticism.

6. Starfish

For those who slept with his arms flexed position and placed on the side of the head, they are suspected to have high social personality. Typically, those who sleep with the position held 5 percent of these respondents have a personality that is easy to make friends. Ready to listen to others and easily offer assistance. This type also has a humble nature, therefore not too fond of the limelight.
However, researchers are also reminded, as whatever your sleeping position, the most important is that you get enough sleep, also slept soundly. Lack of sleep and other sleep problems can cause health problems.


Make It Easy Erection Nuts .. let’s eat gan .. hahaha

Nuts Pistachios – Are you a fan of pistachio nuts? Fortunately if you are a man who regularly eat snacks quite expensive import this valuable.
According to one study, it turns nut snacking habits have a positive effect for the Adam in maintaining virility.
As published in the latest edition of the International Journal of impotence Research: The Journal of Sexual Medicine, the habit of eating pistachios may improve sexual function in men who have symptoms of impotence or erectile dysfunction (ED).
Researchers in Turkey involve the volunteers who provided snacks pistachios 100 grams (about one cup) at lunchtime. Consumption be done every day for three weeks. At the end of the study found, 17 volunteers recorded a score of 50 percent better on the questionnaire about ED than their score before the consumption of peanuts.
The volunteers also showed improvements in erectile function, satisfaction during intercourse, orgasm function, and sexual arousal. In fact, blood flow to the penis also showed an increase of about 22 percent by ultrasound measurements.
“Pistachio nuts contain non-essential amino acid arginine which is relatively high, which seems to retain the flexibility of the arteries and increase blood flow and trigger nitric oxide, a substance that relaxes blood vessels,” said one researcher, Mustafa Aldemir, from Atatürk Teaching and Research Hospital in Turkey.
The young male volunteers were also reportedly involved in this study showed significant improvement of cholesterol levels. This is because pistachios are also rich in unsaturated fatty acids, fiber and plant sterols. Previous research also showed a relationship between levels of cholesterol and impotence or ED.
Although this finding may tempt you to immediately buy pistachios, the researchers assert that the results of this research is still in its early stages. So, if you really are experiencing problems with sexual function, consult with a physician is the wisest step than just snacked on peanut imports.


5 Healthy Foods That Less Popular

Here are five types of foods that are categorized as not popular but contain a myriad of benefits that are good for health:

 1. Plum Dried Fruit

This fruit is one of the most popular fruit to eat, especially when using the name of prunes. But actually dried plums contain two times more potassium than bananas and contain 38% more antioxidants than blueberries. It also has a plus because it contains soluble fiber and insoluble, including pectin which is a kind of soluble fiber can lower cholesterol. For those who want to diet, plums can be eaten as a snack or added to the child’s lunches.

2. Bit 

Bit contains fiber, iron, vitamin C, and contains a substance that is strong betacyanin that can fight colon cancer. Still not convinced? Bit it also contains antioxidants that have been proven to lower total cholesterol and raise HDL or good cholesterol in the body.

3. Labu 

 A plate of pumpkin dishes have about 3 grams of fiber plus a beta-carotene is an antioxidant that helps to improve immune function and reduce the risk of cancer and heart disease. Because the pumpkin is seasonal but canned pumpkin is also available as healthy and available throughout the year. Pumpkin can be added toto the various types of cuisine and made ​​cakes .

4. Eggplant

Eggplant is easy to get this much fiber and also contain vitamins B1, B3, and B6. In addition, eggplant also contains chlorogenic acid which is one vegetable that is free from insect pests that usually found in vegetables, and nasunin which has proven antioxidant that can protect and prevent damage to brain cells due to the use of cell phones that can trigger cancer cell growth.

5. Nuts


 Nuts are foods that have a reputation of not more popular. But research has shown that beans have many health benefits. Nuts may prevent cancer and heart disease until the pressure of blood sugar. Plus nuts are also rich in antioxidants, protein, and fiber. Dried beans are the cheapest, but canned beans are also useful for those who want practical
Well, now do not overlook the longer these foods. For foods that are trivial it could provide more benefits to our health.
