Category Archives: Foods

5 Tips to avoid cholesterol

Cholesterol in the body can cause various diseases. High cholesterol is not only experienced by one who was fat, but people are skinny does not mean low cholesterol. It can also befall the people who are still young. All walks of life, must try to live a healthy lifestyle in order to maintain the cholesterol in the blood remained normal.

In the body there is fat that consists of bad cholesterol called LDL (Low Density Lipoprotein), where fat can be attached to the blood vessels. While the good cholesterol known as HDL (High Density Lipoprotein) is to dissolve fat content of LDL in the body. Normal cholesterol in the body is 160-200 mg, the accumulation of LDL content must be prevented in order to remain in normal circumstances. Here are some tips that you can control the cholesterol in the blood.

5 Tips Controlling Cholesterol

Here are some tips you can do to control your cholesterol:
* DietConsumption of foods that are low in fat and cholesterol. For example, by consuming milk without the fat and reduce consumption of meat. Choose foods with unsaturated fat than saturated fat content. Oil used to fry repeatedly to raise cholesterol levels, then you’ll want to reduce the consumption of fried foods.
* Consumption of fiberConsume more fibrous foods such as wheat, beans, vegetables and fruits. These foods can absorb cholesterol in the blood and remove it from the body.
* Consumption of antioxidantsAntioxidants found in many fruits such as oranges, strawberries, papaya, carrots, or squash. Eating garlic regularly can lower cholesterol.
* Avoid alcohol and smokingWith smoke or consume alcohol, be easy to accumulate cholesterol in the bloodstream.
* SportExercise regularly according to age and ability. Keep your body weight remains the ideal.

Healthy foods, be careful, dangerous or abstinence?

As mentioned above, food is an important thing that can cause cholesterol. The following table you can make reference to what foods you should eat or to reduced consumption.


Apparently Sweetened Condensed Milk, That’s Not Milk

For reasons of practicality and more economical, most prefer Mother presents sweetened condensed milk is added to water as a drink of milk for their children. In fact, it is a wrong perception. Sweetened condensed milk is not milk to drink.

It is a wrong perception if there are still a vote that thawed sweetened condensed milk as milk to drink. Sweetened condensed milk is not milk. For sweetened condensed milk was created only for the further application of processed foods such as topping martabak and pastries, said Prof. Dr. Ir Made Astawan MS As a Member of the Board of Experts Persagi (Nutritionist Association of Indonesia) and Professor of Bogor Agricultural University who found the event UHT and Aseptic Technology Helps Keep Nutrition Natural Milk from Lumire Hotel, Jakarta, Thursday (21/04/2011).

It is more economical, she said, where the mother simply store them in the fridge so durable. But let’s just note the taste, sweet is not it?

That’s because the sweetened condensed milk contains more sugar. Sugar, which causes obesity in children. So I appeal to not make sweetened condensed milk is added to water as milk, “he concluded.


Make It Easy Erection Nuts .. let’s eat gan .. hahaha

Nuts Pistachios – Are you a fan of pistachio nuts? Fortunately if you are a man who regularly eat snacks quite expensive import this valuable.
According to one study, it turns nut snacking habits have a positive effect for the Adam in maintaining virility.
As published in the latest edition of the International Journal of impotence Research: The Journal of Sexual Medicine, the habit of eating pistachios may improve sexual function in men who have symptoms of impotence or erectile dysfunction (ED).
Researchers in Turkey involve the volunteers who provided snacks pistachios 100 grams (about one cup) at lunchtime. Consumption be done every day for three weeks. At the end of the study found, 17 volunteers recorded a score of 50 percent better on the questionnaire about ED than their score before the consumption of peanuts.
The volunteers also showed improvements in erectile function, satisfaction during intercourse, orgasm function, and sexual arousal. In fact, blood flow to the penis also showed an increase of about 22 percent by ultrasound measurements.
“Pistachio nuts contain non-essential amino acid arginine which is relatively high, which seems to retain the flexibility of the arteries and increase blood flow and trigger nitric oxide, a substance that relaxes blood vessels,” said one researcher, Mustafa Aldemir, from Atatürk Teaching and Research Hospital in Turkey.
The young male volunteers were also reportedly involved in this study showed significant improvement of cholesterol levels. This is because pistachios are also rich in unsaturated fatty acids, fiber and plant sterols. Previous research also showed a relationship between levels of cholesterol and impotence or ED.
Although this finding may tempt you to immediately buy pistachios, the researchers assert that the results of this research is still in its early stages. So, if you really are experiencing problems with sexual function, consult with a physician is the wisest step than just snacked on peanut imports.
