Category Archives: Culture

Dreidel, Toys Traditions At Easter Lasts

First, ane will jelasin about Easter and some of its traditions

According to Jewish meaning
Passover is a Jewish holiday which is celebrated for 8 days and 8 nights. Starting on the 25th of the Jewish month of Kislev

In Hebrew, the word “Hanukkah means dedication. We are reminded that this holiday is something to commemorate the re-dedication of the temple in Jerusalem after the Jewish victory over the GreekSyrian

According to the Christian meaning
Easter is the most important celebration in the Christian church liturgical year. For Christians, Easter is identical with Jesus, whom Paul called the Passover lamb; Christians today believe that Jesus was crucified, died and was buried [a], and on the third day [b] rose from the dead . Easter celebrates the resurrection day and is the most important celebration because it commemorates the most sacred events in the life of Jesus.

Some Traditions at Easter
 Candles lit
It has become a tradition every year, will continue lighted candles during Easter which lasted 8 days and 8 nights

Play dreidel
A popular game at Easter which has 4 Hebrew letters on each side

Eating fried foods
Because Easter is one event that also celebrates the miracle of oil, so it means eating fried foods become one of the traditions during Easter

Now let’s discuss the dreidel
Dreidel That’s what
played during the Easter took place, as like a top / beyblade (surely agan2 know?)
Now each side has their dreidel ² gan writing that is meaningless as well. Writing is a form of Hebrew writing

Origin dreidel
Initially, the dreidel is only limited to a very popular game in the Government Anthokius. This game also formerly used as camouflage to the people the Jews, because in those days they were not allowed to perform religious activities.

You know how to camouflage it?
If the soldiers come, they will hide the goods that are prohibited by the soldiers and started to play

Initially, the dreidel is only limited to a very popular game in the Government Anthokius. This game also formerly used as camouflage to the people the Jews, because in those days they were not allowed to perform religious activities.

You know how to camouflage it?
If the soldiers come, they will hide the goods that are prohibited by the soldiers and started to play the dreidel is a way to gamble  

The writing on Each Side dreidel ² What does that mean?


נ (Nun)
ג (Gimmel)
ה (Hay)
ש (Shin)

What is the real meaning is: Nes Gadol Haya Sham (in Hebrew). A great miracle happened there (Israel)

But after the state of Israel was founded in 1948, the Hebrew letters on the dreidel are changed to

נ (Nun), ג (Gimmel), ה (Hay) and פ (pey), which stands for the Hebrew phrase Nes Gadol Haya Po. The meaning is also changed to: A great miracle happened here

The way the game how?
 Usually, players were given capital with 10-15 pieces of candy. Well actually the way the game similar to dice gan system.
But if there are letters on the dreidel it masing2nya tuh, nih nah he sense that there hurup ²

In each round, players must enter their capital into a place, following its meaning ² symbol gan:

Nun = Nichts which means no, well if the players get this part, then the players will not get what ²

Gimmel = Ganz, which means “everything, well if the players get this part, then the players will get everything that was in the pot

Hey = Halb which means half well if the players get this part, then the players will get half that is in the pot

Shin = Shtel which means paying well if the players get this part, then the player will add to the pot candy kolesi available

If a player runs out of candy their game = exit

This new toy?
Actually there already is a toy from 2007 gan, New nah tuh popular in the U.S. is first, to be exact North America.
There is also diadain Contest gan lho
But race is not usually match rich, complaining how long this guy can play his own dreidel ²

Interested in playing dreidel?

Another Dreidels Pics

Cipari Archaeological Park | Time life of the stone age

Archeological Sites Cipari an era relics of megalithic sites of the communities living in the Greater Sunda mainland (including Sumatra, Java and Kalimantan, and the sea which links all three at the time of the ancient, about 10,000 years ago). First discovered in 1972, a cemetery complex. Its location is situated in Kampung Cipari, Cigugur Village, District Cigugur, Kuningan regency, West Java.

This site is counted fairly complete depict community life in those days. The location of this site is now a tourist destination pedagogy (Cipari Archaeological Park) and is equipped with a museum.

Village Cipari Cigugur District is one of the prehistoric cultural relics found in Kuningan regency, West Java. Cipari addition, there are at least eight places around the foot of the mountain contained Ciremai patterned Megalithic relics, Classical, HinduBuddhist, and Dutch colonial.

In Cipari was found three stone coffin tomb in which there is grave in the form of stone axes, stone bracelets, and pottery. This grave is still stored in the museum building. Inside the coffin was not found a human skeleton, because the level of acidity and soil moisture which is located 661 meters above sea level was fairly high, so easily broken bones are buried.

Area discovery of stone artefacts and pottery is still well ordered, well depth was buried objects is still original. Chest tomb made ​​of stone indesit still composed of shaped shingles in place originally. Leading to a southwest northeast that illustrate the concepts of natural powers, like the sun and moon that guide life from birth until death.

Chest tomb stone there Cipari archaeological sites had in common with crates function grave stone in the other regions in Indonesia. Society of North Sulawesi mention the grave stone coffin as waruga, society Bondowoso pandusa call, and people call it tundrum Baho Naidoo.

There is also clearing a circle with a diameter of six meters with limited composition shingle stones, in the middle there is a rock. Gathering place called Stone Bracelet This is the location of the ceremony in connection with ancestral spirits and serves as a place of deliberation.

In this area there is also a stone altar (punden berundak), namely the steps of building terraces on the top there are objects or megalith tomb figure and someone who is considered sacred. The altar serves as temapt ancestral worship ceremonies.

At a certain height there is also menhir, which is an upright stone as a medium rough homage at once a place of worship. There is also a dolmen (stone table) that is composed of a large rock which sustained some other stone, so shaped table. Dolmen function as a place of worship of ancestral spirits as well as the placement of offerings. There are also stone dakon (stone mortar), ie one or more perforated stone, serves as a place to make a concoction of drugs.

Although the artifacts found, but this finding can not explain who is buried in three graves stone coffin and how the physical attributes, in addition it is estimated three community leaders.

Sites Archaeological Park Museum in the environment Cipari Sub Sub Cipari Cigugur Kuningan regency, West Java. Located in the hilly area with altitude of 661 meters above sea level, at the foot of the mountain Ciremai the eastern and the western city of Brass. Cipari is 4 kilometers from the capital, Brass and 35 kilometers from the town of Cirebon.

This area is the land formerly owned by Mr. Wijaya and owned several other residents. In 1971, Mr. Wijaya find rocks that after investigation it turns out coffin tomb stone, stone axes, stone bracelets, and pottery. After the excavation conducted experiments with the aim of saving the artifacts in 1972, three years later held a total excavation. A year later built Cipari Archaeological Park Museum Site. On February 23, 1978 the museum was inaugurated by the Minister of Education and Culture Prof.. DR. Syarif Thayeb

Now the conditions are less well-preserved condition of the building site and museum. This lack of attention from Kuningan regency government as tourist attractions and research. Lack of attention can not be seen from the repair of buildings, support facilities and site information related to the book site. It should be rejuvenating some of the above is also the official site of government publications through Kuningan district. Hopefully more can gain the ears of the government.


Corpse runs, TRADITION TANA TORAJA with images

Previously not know yet, Toraja is located in south Sulawesi, which has a famous tradition DEATH CEREMONY

THEN WHAT CAN WALK corpses FACT OR FICTION?, Tana Toraja: a thin haze blanketed the mountains of Balla, District Baruppu, Tana Toraja, South Sulawesi, mid-August. However, the fog parted slowly began to wind chill of morning. Today, the extraordinary activity going on every occupant people Baruppu. They were holding a ritual at the beginning of human history and mystery of children who inhabit Baruppu District. Rituals are always held on all citizens to carry out the mandate Baruppu ancestors. Ma `Nene, a tradition of remembering the ancestors, siblings, and other taulan companion who had died.See MoreThe story of Ma `Nene originated from an animal hunter named Pong Rumasek, hundreds of years ago. At that time, he was hunting up to enter the mountain forests Balla. In the middle of the hunt, Pong Rumasek found the body of someone who died, lying in the middle of the road in the dense forest. Body, the condition is pathetic. His body stayed until evocative heart bones Pong Rumasek to care for her. The body was also wrapped in a shirt he was wearing, as well as finding the appropriate place. Once deemed safe, Pong Rumasek went on the hunt.
Since the incident, every time her target animal prey is always easy to get it, including fruits in the forest. Strange things happen when Pong Rumasek back home. Agricultural crops left behind, apparently faster than the time of harvest. In fact, the results are more abundant. Now, every time he was hunting in the woods, Pong Rumasek always meet with the spirits of the dead who never treating. In fact, these spirits will help to herd the animal hunts.Pong Rumasek also concluded that the bodies of those who died should still be glorified, even though it was only his bones. Therefore, once a year after a big harvest in August, every resident Baruppu always hold Ma `Nene, as mandated by their ancestors, the late Pong Rumasek.
For people Baruppu, ritual Ma `Nene is also meant as adhesive kinship between them. Even Ma `Nene into an unwritten customary rules are always adhered to every citizen. When one of the couple dies, the bereaved couples who can not mate again before coming into Ma `Nene. They consider before carrying out the ritual of Ma `Nene their status is still considered legally married couples. But, if it do Ma `Nene, then the surviving spouse is considered a bachelor and has the right to mate again.
Although residents Baruppu including the Toraja. But Ma `Nene ritual performed once every year this is the only heritage that is still maintained on a regular basis until now. Their loyalty to the trust inherent in every citizen ancestral village. Population Baruppu believe if the inherited customs regulations are violated then it will come calamity that struck the whole village. For example, crop failure or one family would suffer a prolonged illness.
In the language of the Bugis, Toraja, defined as those who dwell in the land above or the mountains. However, the Toraja community itself is more like himself referred to as the person or persons Maraya patrician named Sawerigading. Unlike the Toraja people in general, people get to know their origins Baruppu of Ta `dung coming from the sky or clouds.Eventually Ta `dung sky disguised as hunters settled in the forest area Baruppu and mating with the Goddess of Fertility of the Earth. Therefore, it is often seen when the Toraja’s death, his body is always buried in a stone canal. The tradition is closely related to the concept of community living Toraja that the holy ancestors came from the heavens and the earth. So, should not people who died, his body was buried in the soil. For them it will ruin the sanctity of the earth which results in the fertility of the earth.
This time, large families perform rituals Tumonglo Ma `Nene, as in previous years. Since morning, the family has been busy with a series of ritual activities that begins with cutting the water buffalo and pigs. For families Tumonglo and most of the other party Toraja society is an integral part every time respect the person who will go to nirvana. Although they have much to embrace divine religions, customs and traditions inherited from his ancestors who are not easily abandoned.

Now, it’s time to undergo the ritual core Tumonglo family of Ma `Nene. Under the grave stone cliffs Tunuan this family gathered to wait for grandma‘s coffin Biu Tumonglo family ancestors who died a year ago was revealed. Not far from the cliffs, the men holding hands in a circle while chanting Ma `Badong. A motion and a song that symbolizes mourning sadness remembering deceased service who had died while giving spirit of the deceased’s family.

Simultaneously, the coffin began to rock derived from the hole slowly. Matt coffin containing the body of grandmother Biu. Family Tumonglo believe that there is eternal life after death. Indeed death is not the end of all minutes of life. Hence, it becomes obligatory for every family to remember and care for the bodies of their ancestors despite having passed away a few years ago. In this ritual, the dead bodies removed from his place back. Later, the bodies are repacked with new fabric sheet by each offspring.

In the village of Bu `busy, the atmosphere is not much different from other villages in the District Baruppu. In this place of John Kiding family will also conduct Ma `Ne` Nene towards ancestors kiding. Prior to the cemetery, the community and companion taulan village gathered in the courtyard under a row of traditional houses typical Toraja, Tongkonan.

That morning, they were treated to pork dishes by Johanes big family to eat a gang. Once completed, the community, and family companion taulan John began to leave for the graves of ancestors. However, the grave stone canal is not intended as general, but Pa `Tane the small house that used to store the bodies of their ancestors.

The event was followed by opening the two chests that contain the bodies of ancestors. The corpse which had died a year ago it was repacked with new fabric. The treatment was believed to be on their respect for the ancestors during life. They believe ancestral spirits are still there to give the good. In each of Ma `Nene, the bodies of those who died never placed in the ground. Therefore, relatives are always keeping the body lap ancestors. No doubt, tears heartache again erupted. They mourn their ancestors while mentioning his name. The bodies that have been wrapped in new cloth was put back into the house of Pa `Tane. Now, the family of John also has completed the mandate ancestors.
(ORS / Team Portrait)
