Category Archives: Amazing

Kill the myths and the simplification of the history of the causes of false dreams

by: Fajar Sastrowijoyo

from small we often crammed with myths and simplifications cerita2 miraculous by the fact that parents, teachers, and this akhir2 MOTIVATOR2 that makes us think that there is a miracle in the world and the world is like a fairy tale, there is a miracle in the world that makes everyone could be whatever they want without exception. And cerita2 are widespread and eventually many believed to be the FACT that you can use to defend themselves against the lack of self. Well, now that we‘re a big, then I will review some of the myth that it is actually false. Let us start from

1. The idea may just show up magically


Story: Newton discovered the theory of gravity because of the fall apple.

everyone must have heard this story from the first time to learn the gravity of time elementary school teacher / junior high school we explained excitedly how this theory is found:
on a sunny day, Newton was sitting in the yard of Cambridge university, probably while melihat2 gadis2 english enjoy the summer, when tiba2 an apple fell on his head. And EUREKA! of apple magic tiba2 out ideas about gravity and magically out the formula F = G (m1 * m2) / r2 which revolutionized science.
All Because of one silly apple,,,, and the story is often used by motivator2 to say that you can also get great ideas tiba2 that could change your life.
The truth is, the story of the apple never heard of Newton himself. Falling apple story was first found in the Elements de la Philosophie de Newton written by Voltaire, published in 1738, 11 years after Newton’s death and 73 years after the disebut2 apple fell. We know that the days of old cerita2 like this are often included to increase the dramatic effect of benar2 something happen, to attract readers, of course, something that has never changed from the media. And we know that Voltaire was not a scientist, he was a philosopher, who, of course adept at dramatizing the story.
The second source is the biography of Newton by William Stukely, written in 1752 (27 years after Newton’s death), within 27 years after we die, someone who could have got millions of popular myth, one of which is taken as fact.
In my opinion, this is what actually might happen. We know that Galileo Galilei start a revolution theory of gravity since the early 17th century, changing the human view that the acceleration of gravity is not affected by the weight of the object. Starting from then, all the mathematicians who are interested in gravity trying to make a new teori2 about gravity. Newton is one of them. He became interested in thinking about gravity in the end 1660an, and of research and hard work over the past 20 years (yeah 20, keep it in mind), finally in 1687 he became the first person who issued the famous theory of universal gravitation that.
So Newton was the one who thought things seriously and work hard to improve his theory, not the ordinary people who somehow got the idea because of the fall tiba2 apples and wrote his theory in a short time. Want to know how hard they work? Newton worked too hard and at the end of his life became a bit odd and eccentric. After death, an autopsy found that the body contains too much mercury, which may be due diligence work on research into alchemy. This is what might cause strange behavior in the final days.
Why cerita2 about this hard work received less attention than the story of an apple? Well, people like dramas and magic, and instant success. Everyone loves Surgery Homes and Money Shocked right?

                                         or this one,, from

2. Can not math? You still can be a reliable scientist!


Story: Einstein never considered stupid because they do not understand math

I often hear this excuse from teman2 after working on a math test. That childhood in Wurttemberg, Einstein often failed in mathematics and such do not understand. Looks like this is the basis for that “oh, ok, I really can not ngerjain exam earlier, but even Einstein had not either, right? so chill out, if Einstein could be an Einstein, I can also become a sejenius and successful as Einstein! “
The truth is, there never was evidence to support this claim. This story is not clear from whom and eventually evolved into the “Ripley’s Believe It or Not!” And at that time Einstein was still alive, so when someone shows that column, she laughed and said,
“I never failed in mathematics. Before I was Fifteen i had mastered differential and integral calculus. “

Holy Shit. Differential and integral calculus. Horrible.
Einstein never failed math. In fact he is a math Prodigy,, mathematical genius. For all those who had high school education, all of course know the differential, and some are quite clever may also learn the concept of integral. Two concepts are very difficult, so many people do not want to enter for fear of techniques to learn more. Hell, I am a technical and I need 1 year at a university to understand what it benar2 differential and integral, and it has not entered into the multiple integrals, Stokes theorem, Gaussian surface, integrals of differential forms, … .. ok i quit before you vomit.
Einstein to learn it all before 15 years, and before 12 years he has proved himself that the Pythagorean theorem is true, using the theory he created his own.
Whew. Age 15 years in Indonesia is the middle school. Age senang2nya bermain2, the band, going out, try memalak, cigarettes, alcohol, and marijuana, a fight, so frontman, trying to dress like Kurt Cobain, Jeremy Thomas or That Girl in Meteor Garden, watching porn for the first time, and maybe masturbate. If there’s integral and differential learning in life that much? I’m sure he’ll be bullied by big scoundrel earnest kids and people call him, “FREAK !!!!”
I believe there has been no in between teman2 me who understands what it is differential and integral during junior high. At that time we might all still meraba2 arithmetic and basic geometry, and have never heard the word “integral” unless the name of the game Metal Gear Solid: Integral.

3. No need to school to become a successful entrepreneur who created something


Story: Bill Gates and Steve Jobs dropped out of school

Aahhh, favorite stories and business motivator2 pemberontak2 who say school is important ga ^ ^

No need to tell me here. All the people in the 21st century who could read would have never heard how long story rivals Bill Gates and Steve Jobs dropped out of school and made ​​2 of the most influential companies in the early 21st century.

This story is true, but usually greatly oversimplified. They forgot some important details in cerita2 it and only describe, See, people can be successful ga college and become either one of the richest in the world. Yes. You can. But read this first.

Bill Gates is a genius. In grade 8 (approximately ages 13-14, that in Indonesia may be new SMP), Gates began programming computers at his school using BASIC language. He and three friends were employed by the Computer Center Corporation (CCC) to find bugs in their software. He used this time to learn bahasa2 FORTRAN, LISP, and machine language. At age 17, Gates make a traffic counter to use the Intel 8008.

In 1973 he took the SAT (UAN in the U.S.) and the 1590 score of 1600 (see what a genius he is, if converted into value NEM how tuh hahaha). He signed up at Harvard and in the first year he was able to create a new algorithm is very fast and become the fastest version of the algorithm that for 30 years. Armed with all this knowledge he created a company called MicroSoft. Perhaps a childhood satu2nya more genius than that only this person:


Well, for those who understand computers, the ability of him in 1973 at the age of 18 years may have exceeded engineer2 S1 graduate computer today. And that was 1973. Remember. 1973.

Rival, Steve Jobs, about the same. Left high school, he was employed by HewlettPackard as summer employee. And even though he quit college, he still went to college and learn kelas2 variety of things. 2 years after that, he was accepted as a technician at Atari.

With the knowledge far exceeds S1 degree like that, of course they can make something without following the lecture. They dropped out of college because they can make something big and change the world. They are geniuses with Dedication and workhardiness.

Yup, it really does not need tinggi2 school, but with a note, you must have a skill that is much higher than high school graduates who must be nurtured from childhood. They spend the summer with fiddling with the computer. What we do at the end of a long holiday than to go play junior with teman2, read comics, play PES or Winning Eleven, courtship, the band, take a trip to Bali and mencari2 parental porn movie? (the which is pretty new and interesting at those age) ^ ^

But there are more extreme stories are often also used:


Second story: Thomas Edison dropped out of school

Edison is considered to be an idiot and only last 3 months in primary school, became a powerful businessman and scientist who discovered the light bulb, phonograph, motion picture camera, etc., make the first industrial research laboratory, patented in U.S. patent in 1093, and established that one of them still perusahaan2 survive as a big company in this period, General Electric (GE).

Seems like magic? No. Big NO.

Edison is considered an idiot because he was suffering from disorders. Some modern people define it as an ADD (ADHDPI), but in essence he can not be silent, always ask, and rarely focus on a thing as too much that he wanted to know (Musical genius now instead of stupid?). Finally, although no school, his mother taught him at home. Edison bought buku2 like School of Natural Philosophy and The Cooper Union that his knowledge far beyond her years. This resulted in Edison’s understanding of science with the breadth and depth unlike anak2 age. Edison already has an mini research lab as a child.

                                                          The young wizard from

And the story about the discovery of the light bulb? Well, rarely do that emphasize just how hard and the weight of Edison’s work for it. In fact Edison is not the first to find the light bulb, but he perfected the design and material so that the bulbs are cheap and can be used comfortably. The process covers trying different materials and designs for its light source, the process is more or less like a “trial and error” based teori2. Yup. Edison uses more than 3000 theory to percobaan2nya. And after 2 full years of struggle have finally found the right combination. Carbonized bamboo filament. Carbonated bamboo filament.
Now, for orang2 has ever felt the research world, all would know the process. In researching something, we use several theories (read: paper), usually 2 to 4 papers and mencoba2 teori2 it for several months and possibly years. If successful lucky, if unlucky ya fail. Well, now imagine Edison who use 3000 to do research papers in 2 years. We can not read the 3000 paper in 2 years without ecstasy or cannabis and high every day. Oh, well, maybe he did That to succeed!
Good Conclusion

So after reading all the stories above, and realize that even today we can not do calculus, can not get near perfect NEM or worked at Hewlett-Packard during the junior or senior high school, whether we will surrender to fate and accept the “common man” ?
Well, you forget kata2 second largest number after the myths in this article. Kata2 second most is working hard (see? I put a lot of those). How did Newton get a theory of gravity? Working hard for 20 years. How did Gates get all his knowledge about computer? The hard work of a small computer learning. Where did Einstein get the supremacy of maths and physics? Learn mathematics from a small diligently. Where Edison invented the light bulb? 3000 theory in 2 years. Try that.
Although it probably would eliminate hal2 beribu2 pleasure our adolescence. Do we ever hear that Bill Gates is the son of fashionable slang that dressed like Marlon Brando? Or That Einstein Had many girlfriends or was a Womanizer / playboy? Surely We Never Heard Edison Smokin marijuana and get wasted. We never heard of Steve Jobs to play games every day on vacation, and Newton did not even have a wife in his life. But if you feel That the success and glory is worth the sacrifice, there’s a good advice:
If you like something, anything it is, and you Dedicate your life to it, struggle hard, work hard, it will of worth something in the end.

Note: I do not recommend death for mercury poisoning. And I would not recommend forcing your child to understand the integral and differential before age 15. Do not. It would be bad for their social life and self confidence.

Fajar Sastrowijoyo,
CBNU, Korea
15/04/2011 17.16 Korea Standard Time


6 World’s Strangest Stadium

There is just this stadium. Weird. Here are these strange stadium candidate:

1. Á Vesturi Eiðinum Stadium
The stadium is used for football in the peninsula of the island. Its location in the FaroeIslands, with a capacity of 3000 people. No less interesting, also there was a man in aboat during the game fell into the sea when gathering the ball. wah opened play it safe!

2. Marina Bay Floating Podium
The world’s largest floating stadium in Singapore. Made entirely of steel, podiumapungnya length 120 m, width 83 m, larger 5% of the National Soccer Stadium. Canwithstand the load weighing 1070 tons (equal to the total weight of 9,000 people, 200tonnes of equipment, and 30 tons of military vehicles). While stands the stadium with a capacity of 30,000 people. but why in Indonesia there are not ya?

3. Osaka Stadium
The stadium is used for baseball in Naniwaku, Osaka, Japan. Previous Representsheadquarters Nankai Hawks who later moved to the Stadium Heiwadai 1988. Darlingand Osaka Stadium was converted into housing. because it was never used by the game  the game of football, Osaka Stadium was destroyed in 1998 and then builtShopping Center at that location.
wah when the stadium was big! haha!

4. Stage Against Gravity
Tuh hehehe what name the stadium, against gravity so. But this stadium is. Strange, sooblique. The game Would bother! tilted so!

5. Eco Stage
The stadium is no concrete. Eco Janguito Malucelli Stadium is in Curitiba, Brazil. The stadium has become renowned for the first phase of reforestation in Brazil. Spectatorchairs placed on the hill. So-called stadium Eko (read: Ecosystem). That stadium whichrefers to the ecosystem  ha4x! funny!

6. Braga Stadium
The stadium is really weird but keren.hehe .. The stadium is in Braga, Portugal. The stadium was built next to mine (Monte Castro) that overlooks the city of Braga. Stadiumdesign was inspired by the ancient Incas of South America. The process of removal ofboulders, estimated at 83.1 million Euros. Greater than the cost of construction of anystadium for Euro 2004. Christiano Ronaldo was training at the stadium is not it strange?


Great Kanto Earthquake | Tsunami Earthquake Photographs of Japan 1923

77 years ago, precisely date 1 September 1923 one of the worst earthquake in human history (ranked 3rd in the Great Earthquake) struck the Kanto plain and destroyed Tokyo, Yokohama and Surrounding Areas.

Rocked by an earthquake measuring 8.3 on the Richter Scale and the tsunami waves as high as 11 meters. Most damage comes from the great earthquake and fire that burned thousands of buildings destroyed two thirds of the city. Recorded about 143 000 people were killed in the Japanese Tsunami Earthquake disaster. These old photographs clearly depict the destruction of a city.

Each year, the Great Kanto 1923, the nickname for the catastrophic earthquake that accompanied Japan’s tsunami, is celebrated to commemorate the victims. 

PHOTOS?? See on…this link ^_^

4 World Heritage in Indonesia Existing

Indonesia has 4 National parks are included in world heritage recognized by UNESCO, the UN agency of the world.

Indonesia’s tropical forest area is the world’s third largest forest after Brazil and the Democratic Republic of Congo. Tropical forests are home and the last hideout for the world‘s unique biological riches.
Indonesia’s tropical forest extent of 98 million hectares (estimates of forest area in 2000). The data contained in the book Portrait of Indonesian Forest Condition, FWI / GFW, 2001, Bogor, Indonesia, the existing biodiversity in Indonesia’s forests cover 11% of the world’s plant species, 10% of species of mammals, and 16% of bird species. Around 17,000 islands of Indonesia has seven major biogeographic regions and diversity of habitat types extraordinary.

 1. Komodo National Park

Komodo National Park consists of three large islands of Komodo, Rinca and Padar island as well as 26 large islands / other small. A total of 11 pieces of the mountain / hill in the Park with the highest peak is Mount Satalibo (± 735 meters above sea level). This national park land Area 603 km ² and the total area is 1817 km ².

     Natural state of the dry and arid make a uniqueness. The existence of vast savannas, water resources are limited and temperatures hot enough, it turns out to be the habitat favored by a kind of ancient animals Komodo dragon (Varanus komodoensis).
     Much of this national park is savanna with palm trees (Borassus flabellifer) the most dominant and distinctive. Some plants that exist in the Park, among others, rattan (Calamus sp.), bamboo (Bambusa sp.), acid (Tamarindus indica), bulging (Sterculia foetida), lote (Ziziphus jujuba), and mangrove (Rhizophora sp.)

     In addition to the typical wildlife of Komodo, there are deer (Cervus timorensis floresiensis), wild boar (Sus scrofa), ajag (Cuon alpinus javanicus), wild horse (Equus qaballus), wild buffalo (Bubalus bubalis), 2 species of sea turtles, 10 species of dolphins , 6 species of whales and dugongs are often seen in marine waters of Komodo National Park

2. Ujung Kulon National Park

  Ujung Kulon National Park is representative of tropical rain forest ecosystem remaining lowland and the largest in West Java, and is an ideal habitat for the survival of endangered Javan rhinoceros (Rhinoceros sondaicus) and other rare animals. There are three types of ecosystems in national parks is the aquatic ecosystem of the sea, marsh ecosystems, and terrestrial ecosystems.

     Diversity of plants and animals in Ujung Kulon National Park began to be known by the investigators, the Dutch and British botanists since 1820. Approximately 700 types of plants is well protected and 57 of them rare species such as merbau (Intsia bijuga), palahlar (Dipterocarpus haseltii), bungur (Lagerstroemia speciosa), luminous (Pterospermum diversifolium), ki rain (Engelhardia serrata) and various types of orchids .

     Wildlife in Ujung Kulon National Park consists of 35 species of mammals, 5 species of primates, 59 species of reptiles, 22 species of amphibian, 240 species of birds, 72 species of insects, 142 species of fish and 33 species of coral reefs. Endangered and protected animals other than Java rhinoceros is the banteng (Bos javanicus javanicus), ajag (Cuon alpinus javanicus), surili (Presbytis Comata Comata), langur (Trachypithecus auratus auratus), deer (Cervus timorensis Russa), leopard (Panthera pardus), stone cat (Prionailurus bengalensis javanensis), gibbons (Hylobates moloch), and giant clams (Tridacna gigas).

3. Lorentz National Park

  Lorentz National Park is representative of the complete ecosystem for biodiversity in Southeast Asia and the Pacific. This area is also one among the three regions of the world that have a glacier in the tropics. Stretching from the snow-covered mountain peak (5030 meters above sea level), to stretch out to the coastal waters with mangrove forests and borders the Arafura Sea. In this stretch, there is a spectrum of ecological stunning alpine vegetation of the region, subalpine, montane, submontane, lowland, and wetland

     The types of vegetation in this park include Nipah (Nypa fruticans), mangrove (Rhizophora apiculata), Pandanus julianettii, Colocasia esculenta, Avicennia marina, Podocarpus pilgeri, and Nauclea coadunata.
     The types of animals that have been identified in the Lorentz National Park, as many as 630 species of birds (± 70% of the bird in Papua) and 123 species of mammals. Bird species characteristic of this national park there are two types of cassowary, four megapoda, 31 types of pigeon / doves, 30 species of parrots, 13 species of birds of shrimp, 29 species of birds honey, and 20 endemic species such as long-tailed bird of paradise (Paradigalla caruneulata) and Quail snow (Anurophasis monorthonyx).
     Animals carrying mammals including pig snout long spines (Zaglossus bruijnii), pig snout short spines (Tachyglossus aculeatus), 4 types of possum, wallaby, wild cats, and tree kangaroos.

4. Tropical Rainforest of Sumatra

Sumatran rain forest
Tropical rain forests of Sumatra are home to various living creatures. Many of them are endangered species, such as the Sumatran orangutan, Sumatran tiger, Sumatran rabbit, and Sumatran rhinoceros. In tropical rain forests also grow a variety of endemic plants, such as bags semar, the world’s largest flower Rafflesia and Amorphophallus highest interest.


This places him ninth in the world’s most favorite honeymoon

Honeymoon is that the yearning longing by each spouse when married, want ngasi ane tau 9 favorite place to honeymoon in the world

9.Napa Valley

  For those seeking a quiet vacation, Napa Valley is a good option to consider. You can learn the art of wine in the hundreds of Napa Valley vineyards. There is a large scale and boutique wineries to dipertimbangkan.Anda to explore the Napa Valley by bicycle to pick up the beautiful California scenery. Do not forget the picnic basket!

8.Grand Canyon  

The magnificent Grand Canyon has become a popular family vacation spot for many years. , In the Grand Canyon you can perform various activities such as hiking, rafting and helicopter ride.


A selection of beautiful Greek Mediterranean. Visit cities like Athens, Crete and Santorini and explore ancient sites and architectural wonders. Drowning in history and beauty, Greece provides luxurious resorts, museums and 752 thermosprings.


Many people who choose to travel to Hawaii for honeymoon packages big and tropical climate. You can choose to stay in The Big Island, Oahu, Maui, Kauai, or Lanai. Each of the islands will bring the beautiful waters, waves of interesting and beautiful sunset. Hawaii is a great place to travel any time of year.


For honeymooners who want to relax during the day and feast at night, Aruba is the right place. With beautiful weather year-round, this place is the perfect destination for those who want to enjoy the honey moon. Beaches, restaurants, nightclubs and casinos make Aruba a pleasant place to vacation.

4.St John  

Holding one of the best beaches in the world, St. John is exclusively for tourists on vacation and honeymoon. This island is known as the Beverly Hills of the Caribbean, The island is famous for its natural beauty maintained and has many attractive beaches.


 Florence is the next interesting place. Most populous city in Tuscany and is located in the Amo River is known as a city of art, religious architecture, gardens and theaters. Many shopping and food items that will make your honeymoon vacation extraordinary.


Orlando is the place where the world’s honeymoon with the theme of fairy tales. One of the most popular vacation destinations in the world, Orlando is home to Walt Disney World Resort and Universal Orlando Resort, which both can give you the experience enjoyable honeymoon.


  Venice makes you believe in fairy tale. Cars may not be used, so the only way to get around the city which has 1,500 years old this is by walking or using water transportation. From a variety of favorite locations, you will be enchanted by the beauty of its appeal. La Serenissima, which means the city‘s most tranquil, filled with a number of palaces and works of art, a beautiful shopping center, and delicious food. Spend your time relaxing in the Piazza San Marco, visit the basilicas, drink a Bellini at Harry‘s Bar, and a walk in the narrow hallway and on the bridge. Try to do travel outside the holiday season so you can better enjoy this city.






This Happens In Your Body When Died!

Shortly before death you will feel the heart stops beating, bated breath and body shaking. You feel cold in the ear. Blood turned into a sour and throat to contract.

0 Minutes: Medically Death occurs when the brain runs out of oxygen supply.
1 Minute: Blood change color and lose muscle contraction, the contents of the bladder out without permission.
3 Minutes: Brain cells die en masse. Currently, the brain actually stopped to think.
4-5 Minutes: Dilated pupils and webbed. Eyeballs shrink due to loss of blood pressure.
7-9 Minutes: Liaison to the brain begin to die, the same effect occurs when you watch soap operas.
1-4 Hours: Make a stiff muscles and hair stood up, his impression of hair still grow after death.
4-6 Hours: Rigor mortis * Keep in action. Blood is gathered and then die and blackened skin color.
6 Hours: Muscle is still contracting. The destruction process, such as the effect of alcohol is still running.
8 Hours: The body temperature immediately dropped dramatically.
24-72 Hours: The contents of the stomach is decomposed by microbes and start digesting the pancreas itself!.
36-48 Hours: Rigor mortis * Stop, Your body selentur ballerina dancer again.
3-5 Days: Decomposition resulted in large-scale injury, blood dripping out of the mouth and nose.
8-10 Days: Body color changes from green to red line with rotting blood.
Some Sunday: Hair, Nails, And Dental easily be separated.
One Month: Your skin begins to melt!.
One Year: In addition to bones there’s nothing left of your body!


Fantastic! Translucent Haji deposit Rp 26 trillion. Prone to Corruption?

Saturday, April 9, 2011, 06:06:00Translucent Haji deposit Rp 26 Trillion
JAKARTA – Bank of the Minister of Religious Affairs which holds the money line Candidate Jemaah Haji (CJH) Indonesia just getting fat. Until this weekend, the amount of initial deposit Hajj Operation Costs (BPIH) which indicates the queue CJH Indonesia has reached Rp 26 trillion. The funds obtained from applicants pilgrims who reached 1,342,482 people, including a special pilgrimage of 38,048 people.
“Of that amount approximately $ 7 trillion is placed in the bank. Haj funds largely in retail because guaranteed government sukuk,” said Director General Implementation of Hajj and Umrah (PHU) Slamet Riyanto when contacted in Jakarta, Friday (8 / 4).
Currently BPIH account in the name of Kemenag placed on 24 banks which obtained a license to manage the funds pilgrimage. Because of that oversight and accountability of the budget hajj is very transparent and accountable. Flowers sukuk Bank Indonesia today is 7.5 percent. Therefore, when the number of pilgrims fund deposits reached Rp13 trillion, the interest income reached 10 billion per month.
He also dismissed allegations of waste of funds reached Rp 2.6 trillion pilgrimage that occurs during the period 2005-2010. He explained that the initial deposit interest sukuk hajj, the pilgrims returned to. The form, passport subsidies, the cost of meals at Arafat, the consumption in Medina and insurance costs.
There are also indirect costs of transportation particularly in the Holy Land. “Last year the amount of fees that are returned to the pilgrims to reach USD 6 million per person,” said Slamet.
Kemenag, said Slamet, do not have a picture of the number BPIH 2011. However, he will most likely be an increase compared to last year. The increase is difficult to avoid because of component exchange, the price of aviation fuel and rental accommodation is almost certainly not be decreased. “Because the condition is like that,” he said.
Apart from wasting funds argue, costing confirmed Slamet hajj, including transportation / aviation is not absolute in the hands Kemenag. Rather it has been decided upon between the government and the Parliament as well as official examiners inspected institutions, such as the BPK and KPK. 

48 Prone to Corruption Dana Point Hajj
Friday, May 7, 2010 10:50Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) suggests there were 48 critical points of corrupt practices in organizing the pilgrimage. Commission asked the Ministry of Religious Affairs to fix the vulnerable points so that the implementation of corruption-free pilgrimage. “The findings of this Commission is reviewing the results from January 2009 to March 2010,” said Commission Vice Chairman M. Jasin after receiving the Minister of Religious Affairs Ali Suryadharma at the KPK office yesterday (6 / 5).
To-48 points were divided into four groups, namely the regulatory, institutional, governance, and management of human resources (HR), the Ministry of Religious Affairs.In the aspect of regulation found 7 weak points, 6 critical points in the institutional field, 28 the findings on corporate governance, and the remainder in HR management. “One weak point in the regulatory sector is the uncertainty component of the time deposit and the rest of the report format implementation of the operational costs that must be deposited into the trust fund race (DAU),” said Jasin.
Responding to the Commission’s study, Menag promised to follow up promptly at the latest within two months. “It was agreed there is a two months must be completed. However, there also must be completed within two years, “continued the chairman of the PPP’s.
Besides discussing the weak points in the implementation of corruption-prone hajj, Menag and Commission yesterday to discuss efforts to improve the efficiency of hajj flights. Commission is proposing a tender facility in order to obtain airline ticket price is cheaper. “Put on the efficiency of hajj flights will also be our (Kemenag, red) follow up,” explained Suryadharma.
He said the coordination with the KPK is one of the ministries they lead efforts to prevent corrupt practices, especially in organizing the pilgrimage. Moreover, the conduct of pilgrimage related to the amount of public funds no less than Rp 6 trillion per year.
Menag admit, that much money possible deviations due to the use of budget rules that are less clear. “Therefore, the Ministry of Religious Affairs were helped when stared at the KPK,” he said.


[AMAZING] tribes in the world that have the most powerful magic


The Gypsy is a wanderer, a mysterious race, scattered throughout Europe and parts of Asia, Africa and America. Gypsy tribes are actually people who do not have a permanent home, or called nomadic. But if we embarrass them, then they would not hesitate to remove the words smell of death to us.
Lamia is probably the worst magic used Gypsy people. Usually this magic is used for punishment. The way it works is to take something belonging to us, either buttons, pens, etc, and utter the mantra to the object. Lamia va lua sufletele lor,? i le even in locul s? u sufletele in cazul in care nu va fi din Nou reîncarnare (Lamia take his soul after a few days, and took him to endless torment.)
One thing to remember, do not be fooled by their makeup.
The Indians were the tribe, nation, or group or community of indigenous peoples in the Americas.
American rural communities most evil magic is Na Munda. This is different to voodoo in Haiti. Usually the Indians perform this magic by using the media to call spirits by singing their bodies or spells and special dances. This magic will cause death without a trace. Lately, magic is also used to heal and forecasting.
Bulgarian Mystery is a collection of people from Bulgaria who had high levels of long-distance magic. Magic is used to scramble the region at the time of the division of regions in Eastern Europe.
Magic Bulgarian society is the most horrible song. Malka Moma a high note is sung with a unique magic and different from other tribes. But, now this magic is not there anymore. It is now used as a culture of Bulgarian society in singing.
Kiyuku is the name of a tribe in Africa, is a fraction of the Murci and Dassanech. Kiyuku looking for a place with a way to move from region to Africa to Ethiopia.
Witchcraft is owned or dance Kiyuku Kiyuku Dancer. The local community itself has not mengetahiu clearly what is meant by the dance. Some say down rain, Witchcraft, even some who say these people can turn the desert into snow
Maya is a collection of extraordinary people who are in the jungle of Mexico and Guatemala. Is the most modern tribes of the era because it can measure a star calendar, and a mathematician.
Do not think that the Maya only the tribes that have a numeracy course, Toltec is the name, or nickname to the oldest Maya, or can be called a wise man. They have the ability to summon rain, the power in the war, and bring the sun to do the god form of the human heart that comes from their tribe or an enemy. These tribes to fight the Indians.

Maasai is a tribe that originated from Kenya. Arrogant, Fearless, and Free, is a suitable nickname for them. Over the past 100 years, the Maasai do not take or glued to the rule, peace in the war, money to live, etc..
Magic they tend to pray, they have a god named Enkai. No wonder why the Maasai tribe called the Warriors. It is said that with the help of Enkai, they can run as fast as a lion and also become immune.