Why drink in a tall glass endless feeling fast? marketing psychology

Influence of object shape in perception (sense of) human beings have been studied extensively. Examples of the resulting triangular-shaped object perceived as broader than the rectangular-shaped object, rectangular-shaped object perceived wider than circle-shaped object, and objects are elongated (extended) is greater than the less elongated object. Though the object is the same volume.

Raghubir and Krishna shows that the elongation positive effect on perceptions about the capacity of the glass. They also showed that there was an influence on the volume pouring drinks in glass because the glass terelongasi berpersepsi that has a larger volume. Rationalization of this research indicate that elongation create expectations of greater volume, whereas this is not recognized / influenced by the experience of consuming the drinks.

 There were three studies conducted to test this. The study wanted to know the effect of elongation on pouring drinks made ​​by the children, adults, and bartenders, as well as how perceptions (feelings) about the volume of poured drink.

Study was conducted using experimental design. Some people fit the criteria of the study (children, adults, and bartenders) were asked to pour drinks in different glasses. The first glass is a tall slender glasses (tallSlender), while the second glass is a short fat glass (shrotwide), which both have the same volume. Hypothesis testing was conducted using ANOVA.

The results are as follows:

Studies show that it is going good influence on children, adults, and the bartender, despite his bias is different.
– This is one of the scientific application of psychology in marketing. Where can we take advantage of consumer perception of the volume of drinks with the engineering of glass
– Effects that can be used by producers or traders based on the results of this study is to make customers more satisfied with the engineering of a high glassslim.


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Posted on April 24, 2011, in Education, International, Knowledge, Marketing. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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