Advice to the second richest man in the world ( Warren Buffett )

Warren Buffett gives advice to young people: Keep yourselves from bank loans or credit cards and berivestasilah with what you have and remember:

A. Money does not create humans, humans who created money.

B. Live simply as yourself.

C. Do not do anything they say, listen to them, but do what is right.

D. Do not wear brand, wear really comfortable for you.

E. Do not spend money on
things that are not really important.

F. If it has been successful in your life, share and teach to others .*

People Is not Happy People Great In All Things, But People Can Find It Simple In His life and give thanks.


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Posted on April 24, 2011, in Advice, Education, International, Knowledge, Secret. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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