Momentum, Success Secrets

If you want success, Agan first have to know what would be achieved. After that, do planning, and ‘just do it’.
Often, in the various seminars I’m asked, “Mas, how to do for the guns feel lazy? To motivate yourself? “There also are asked,” Mas, sometimes we have an idea, then fitting ngejalanin, … in the middle of the road so lazy. Why do not you? “
Well, from early 2011, the campaign that I sounded the “MAKE it happen”. What does it mean? I would like to invite Agan (and myself too) to realize what Agan (and I) want to accomplish so far, in this year!
What do the questions above with this campaign? Clear close! For lazy guns, to always have a highly motivated and fit ngejalanin can continue to completion, it is a process in the “MAKE it happen”, making ideas / goals into reality.
How to do?
Use the momentum! Usually, when an idea, we feel excited. Then, we began planning how-gimananya. Trying to small-scale research. Met with many people, ask for an opinion, read books, and others. So ‘all’ have been collected and have a fairly confident, just beginning to do it.
Nobody is wrong with the step-step above. But most people realize that guns are, they do it too long! If I have an idea, to inspire what I want to accomplish … I immediately wrote what I think. Trying to brainstorm their own. Besokannya concrete steps must already exist. While taking the first step (initial step will never be fatal, his name is the first step), I continue to plan the next steps.
Psychologically, humans were bosenan. So if there is an idea, … guns start-start, long Agan will feel bored, let alone fit again the planning process began in the things that make the idea secermelang guns are estimated at the beginning, moreover, if it turns guns on the things that easy. Start with jalaninnya also already feeling lazy, think hard.
So, the key … use the momentum! When it comes the idea, do it as quickly as possible early planning processes. Directly take the first step, thinking about the next steps … while still excited!
My thinking is what makes many people view my work QUICKLY. If Agan can work quickly, so in a period, Agan will be able to accomplish (achieve) a lot more than others. If many can Agan produce, … and continuously, it means Agan will have a greater chance for success.
Use the momentum!


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Posted on April 9, 2011, in Self Development. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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