Bed and flame lamp

know there is a correlation not equal immunity lights?

many who have a habit of sleeping with a turn on the lights
(scared of the dark may be yes HHE) appeared after a study conducted by researchers from well-known in the United Kingdom unive
sleep with the light illuminated by the lamp will hinder the recovery of the immune system (immune system) so most people who have a habit of sleeping with the lights on will be more easily hurt
rather than people who sleep without lights illuminated.

so from now on let’s get used to sleeping with the lights off
could be healthier than we are also saving energy (PLN bill also economical HHE)

smoga useful

MMI & Harvard University sources

nice if requested
yes it gan HHE

there is a distinguished addition to the good-hearted anugerahadina agan ya
check this out

IAT trti to remember this so ma hormones in the body that is affected by cohabited and the death of light bedtime

well, if the Kaskuser never heard of the hormone melatonin? This hormone is produced by the pineal gland (cone shaped) in the brain .. Now these hormones regulate the bulk cycle regulatory hormone in the body and the body’s daily rhythms, especially within 24 ja sleep and wake us ..
Well, a lot melationin hormone production (enough) at night will help the sleep process .. increase in the number of excreted hormones ni can be helped by turning off the lights, while if the lights remain on the levels of melatonin decline and therefore we are unable to sleep ..
The fact that young children / adolescents have higher melatonin levels than in adults. That is why frequent sleep problems / insomnia in adults.

Melatonin has also been able to be synthesized to be used as medicine for those affected by insomnia.
Well, may be useful ..


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Posted on April 9, 2011, in Healthy. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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